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  Hi, I am in the Schema Builder and keep getting the following , I have tried everything. Challenge not yet complete in My Trailhead Playground 7 The field 'Street_Address__c' either does not exists on the Property__c object or it is not of type textarea.


I have been at this for days now, is there anyone who can walk me through it.  Cannot figure it out.
2 answers
  1. Apr 2, 2020, 8:58 AM
    Hi Susan,


    have you tried the solution on this threads?






    3) Alternatively, try to create a custom field directly in Setup--> Object Manager --> Property as follows:


    Hi Susan, have you tried the solution on this threads? 1) 2)


    It worked for me and I was able to pass the challenge in this way!!!


    User-added image


    If the problem is still present, even after attempting the above solution, try to open a case with Salesforce Support here: 



    If this helped to solve your problem, please mark as "Best" my answer, I'll appreciate your help