1. Setup Your Trailblazer.me Profile & Complete Trailhead Basics
Let's make sure your profile has everything filled out and ensure you're across the basics of using Trailhead
Setup Your Trailblazer.me Profile
When you first sign up to Trailhead you enter basic information. Let's make sure you're all setup and ready to tackle your learning
Trailhead Help
If you ever get stuck or have a problem with Trailhead, Trailhead Help can assist! If it's not in the Knowledge articles then log a case!
2. Get to Know Salesforce Better
Complete these modules to better understand who Salesforce is.
Valores da Salesforce: InÃcio rápido
Saiba como o Salesforce ajuda sua empresa a criar relacionamentos mais sólidos com seus clientes.
3. What Learning/Career Path Interests You?
Discover some inspiring Trailblazer stories and complete the Career Development Planning Module
O ecossistema da Salesforce: inÃcio rápido
Descubra os clientes, os parceiros e os trailblazers que compõem o ecossistema da Salesforce.
Meet the Trailblazers
Tap into an incredible source of inspiration to be your best. Dive into these stories of Trailblazers from all walks of life.
Planejamento de desenvolvimento de carreira
Crie um plano de carreira e aprenda a conseguir um emprego no ecossistema da Salesforce.
Credenciais do Salesforce: inÃcio rápido
Saiba mais sobre as Credenciais do Salesforce que enriquecem seu currÃculo no Trailhead.
4. Connect With Your Local Trailblazer Community Group
Let's check out the Trailblazer Community Groups website and complete the Trailblazer Community Groups module
Grupos da Trailblazer Community
Veja como a Trailblazer Community ajuda você a aprender, se conectar e se inspirar.
Trailblazer Community Groups
Join groups to learn Salesforce with peers, build your network, and find mentors.
5. Let's Get Hands-On!
Let's ensure you're set-up to handle the hands-on challenges in your free Trailhead playground.
Gerenciamento do Trailhead Playground
Crie organizações práticas, pratique suas habilidades no Salesforce e conclua os desafios Trailhead.
Salesforce CRM
Saiba como usar o software de gerenciamento de relacionamento com o cliente (CRM) para fazer seu negócio crescer.
Administrador iniciante
Comece sua jornada #AwesomeAdmin aprendendo as noções básicas da personalização do Salesforce.
6. Dive Deeper into Learning with Trailhead
We have podcasts for Trailblazers, Admins &/or Devs so check them out. Let's also find another session to watch on Trailhead Live!
Schedule/Watch a Show on Trailhead Live
Whether it's on-demand or live you will find a great way to to learn visually on Trailhead Live