+300 pontos
Great Management
Explore and develop leadership behaviors within the Salesforce manager framework.
~40 min
+300 pontos
Alignment with Your Manager
Learn how to align with your manager and why it's important for you and your team.
~35 min
+500 pontos
~1 h 40 min
+400 pontos
Accountability & Delegation
Master these dual skills to lead your team to success and maximize your impact.
~1 h 15 min
+300 pontos
One-on-One Meetings
Learn tips for having productive one-on-one meetings with your direct reports.
~30 min
+500 pontos
Narração de histórias e comunicação
Use a narração de histórias para deixar suas reuniões, comunicações e apresentações mais cativantes.
~1 h 15 min
+200 pontos
Trust and Influence
Explore tactics for building trust and strategies to influence a desired outcome.
~35 min