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Noções básicas do Lightning Design System
Comece a usar o Lightning Design System para criar aplicativos Salesforce.
Noções básicas dos Componentes Web do Lightning
Crie componentes reutilizáveis e eficazes que seguem os padrões da Web modernos.
InÃcio rápido: Componentes Web do Lightning
Configure seu ambiente de desenvolvedor e crie seu primeiro componente Web do Lightning.
Configurar suas ferramentas de desenvolvedor para componentes Web do Lightning
Instalar ferramentas de desenvolvedor para criar componentes Web do Lightning.
Criar um aplicativo de rastreamento de ursos com componentes Web do Lightning
Use componentes Web do Lightning para criar um aplicativo de rastreamento de ursos.
Lightning Web Components for Aura Developers
Leverage your Aura components skills to learn about Lightning web components.
Sample Gallery: Browse the LWC goodness
See how Lightning Web Components have been added to Sample Gallery apps like eBikes and Recipes!
LWC Video Gallery: Watch 'em!
Discover short, topic-specific videos to help you learn, with some videos made by our very own Developer Evangelists
#CodeGoals: Share 'em!
What are your Lightning Web Components #CodeGoals? Share yours and help others achieve theirs!
Lightning Apps Developer Center
There's a lot more Lightning components resources on our Developer Center. Have you seen them?
LWC Lightning Component Library
Get familiar with the comprehensive guide to all things Lightning Web Components in this library.
Blog Post: Introducing LWC Recipes, Patterns and Best Practices
Read this blog post where we walk through some key recipes and highlight patterns and best practices along the way.