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+300 pontos

Início rápido: Componentes Web do Lightning

Configure seu ambiente de desenvolvedor e crie seu primeiro componente Web do Lightning.

~25 min
+400 pontos

Salesforce D2C Commerce for Developers

Use predefined flows and unmanaged packages to customize your D2C Commerce store.

~30 min

Concepts and Terminology

Get familiar with the terms used in Commerce Cloud.

+300 pontos

Tools & Resources for Salesforce B2C Commerce Developers

Get the tools and community support you need to develop a B2C Commerce storefront.

~1 h 20 min

B2B Commerce and B2B2C Commerce Developer Guide

Design a B2B or B2B2C commerce solution that uses the power of Lightning Experience.

+300 pontos

Architecture of Salesforce B2C Commerce

Learn the architecture and tools you use to develop for Salesforce B2C Commerce.

~25 min
+600 pontos

Salesforce B2C Commerce Page Designer for Developers

Build Page Designer Page and Component Types for Your B2C Commerce Storefront.

~3 h 20 min
+300 pontos

Salesforce CMS e B2C Commerce Page Designer

Use o Salesforce CMS com o Page Designer para criar e fornecer conteúdo em qualquer canal.

~40 min
+200 pontos

Headless Commerce Basics

Improve your storefront development process with headless commerce.

~20 min
+500 pontos

Headless Implementation Strategies for Salesforce B2C Commerce

Explore the personnel, components, and resources you need for a headless implementation.

~50 min
+300 pontos

Salesforce B2C Commerce SDK

Create headless storefront applications fast using Salesforce B2C Commerce SDK.

~25 min

B2C Commerce Community

Join the conversation here to stay up to date on the product, how Salesforce can help you, and everything in between.