Conceitos do Flow Builder
Aprenda conceitos-chave do Flow Builder: elementos de dados, variáveis, loops e depuração.
Which Automation Tool Do I Use?
Learn about the robust set of Salesforce automation features to help you save time and resources.
Criar fluxos com o Flow Builder
Crie e distribua fluxos para automatizar seus processos de negócios.
Fluxos acionados por registros
Conheça as noções básicas de fluxos acionados por registros.
Equivalent Features in Flows & Workfow Rules
Reference for flow features and fields that are equivalent to workflow rules to help you build flows that can replace your workflow rules.
Architect's Guide: Record-Triggered Automation
Recommendations for triggered automation, Flow Builder bulkification and recursion control, performance, and automation design.
Your Guide to Determining the Flow Running User
Guide to Determining the Flow Running User and Its Execution Context.
Why Admins Should Create Flow Tests
Admin's guide to buildling Flows and creating automated tests for it without involving developer resources.
Noções básicas do Flow Orchestration
Aprenda a usar o Flow Orchestration para organizar seus fluxos.
Approval Process Specialist Superbadge
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Approval Process Specialist Superbadge.
Salesforce Admins Resource Page
Automation resources (videos, blog posts, podcasts, all things automation) found in the Salesforce Admins site.
"Automate This!" live YouTube Series
Check out the Salesforce Admins YouTube series that is LIVE streamed every month focused on automation.
Flow Elements and Resources Specialist Superbadge
Complete the capstone to earn the Flow Elements and Resources Specialist Superbadge.
Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge.