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SECTION 1: Focus on Your Career

Learn new skills and tools to help you and your teams be productive and successful.


Kickstart Your Marketing Career

Build your marketing career on Salesforce. Discover the top skills recruiters look for and learn from real marketers.

+700 pontos

Drucker School—Customer & Market Strategy

Turn your organization into a customer and market-driven powerhouse with these insights.

~1 h 40 min
+500 pontos

Estratégias de email de marketing

Descubra as melhores práticas a usar ao elaborar e enviar um email.

~1 h 15 min

Trailblazer Mentorship: Giving Back Through Mentoring

Trailblazer Mentorship empowers mentees to connect to opportunities to land their dream job in the Salesforce ecosystem.

+400 pontos

Desenvolvimento de roteiros de marketing digital

Avalie seu programa e sua maturidade digital à medida que você desenvolve seu roteiro de marketing.

~25 min
+500 pontos

Práticas de marketing inclusivo

Use os seis princípios de marketing inclusivo para criar uma cultura de igualdade.

~30 min

SECTION 2: Support Your Virtual Teams

Learn to collaborate effectively online and manage virtual teams.

+300 pontos

Melhores práticas para trabalhar em casa

Mantenha-se conectado e tenha sucesso enquanto trabalha em casa.

~20 min
+300 pontos

Colaboração virtual

Aprenda como colaborar com equipes distribuídas e gerenciar funcionários remotos.

~45 min
+300 pontos

Noções básicas do Quip

Explore como o Quip pode simplificar o fluxo de trabalho da sua equipe com documentos e planilhas flexíveis.

~20 min

How to Manage Social Media from Home

Learn how to structure a search, analyze data, and use insights to manage social listening now.


How to Turn an In-Person Event into a Compelling Virtual Experience

Our top lessons and tips from turning World Tour Sydney into a virtual event in just 10 days.


SECTION 3: Focus on Wellness and Empathy

Get best practices for helping your teams stay motivated, healthy, and productive during a time of change.

+300 pontos


Saiba como ficar focado, criar hábitos saudáveis e ser mindful.

~15 min
+300 pontos

Produtividade pessoal

Mantenha-se produtivo enquanto trabalha em casa.

~15 min

Leading Through Change

Our new Marketing series, Leading Through Change, features ways marketers can guide their communities through periods of uncertainty.


How to Communicate with Customers During a Time of Crisis

Five tips to help you formulate a crisis communication plan that covers the impact of the situation and next-steps to your customers.


SECTION 4: Stay Connected to Customers

Discover tools that will help you connect to customers and the Marketing Cloud community.


Craft an Effective Marketing Email

Use the power of personalization to create compelling emails that will help you achieve your goals.

+300 pontos
~45 min

Join the Marketing Cloud Community

Join the Marketing Cloud Success Ohana to ask questions, get answers, stay updated and share experiences.


How to Use Account-Based Engagement to Improve Customer Experience

Integrate marketing, sales, and service to break through organizational divisions and engage more empathetically with your customers.


Join the Pardot Community

Join the Pardot B2B Marketing Automation Success Ohana to ask questions, get answers, stay updated and share experiences.


SECTION 5: Keep Customers Engaged

Learn effective ways to engage your marketing audiences with email and other digital experiences.


Engage Your Subscribers

Learn best practices for interacting with subscribers so you can make a good first impression and keep your customers happy.


Reach Customers on Every Channel

Increase your business’s reach and performance by using data to create highly targeted advertising and reach your customers where they are.


Trailblazer Email Marketing Tips to Help You Think Outside the [In] Box

Check out Trailblazer's tips on designing (or redesigning) an email strategy to optimize messages being sent to inboxes around the world.

+500 pontos

Recursos do Content Builder

Saiba como usar o Content Builder para criar uma biblioteca de conteúdo personalizado e reutilizável.

~35 min

How Values-Driven Social Campaigns Help Business Make an Impact

Values-driven marketing can produce great results for your cause and your brand when you avoid common missteps and use best practices.