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#Trailhead Challenges2.455 discutindo

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.



I have been trying to finish this training; however I cannot move past this part of the training due to the fact that I am getting an error message that says 'Developer name has to be unique.' This error pops up when I try to save which is indicated in these steps  


  1. From the App Launcher , find and select Energy Consultations, then click the Energy Audits tab.
  2. Open the All list view.
  3. Select Burlington evaluation.
  4. From the Setup menu , select Edit Page

    The page opens in the Lightning App Builder.

  5. In the page properties, change the Label to Energy Audit Record Page for Sales.
  6. Change the API Name to Energy_Audit_Record_Page_for_Sales.
  7. Click the Details tab on the canvas, then click the Record Detail component (where the fields are). 

    There are all the fields for the Energy Audit object. But they’re all in one non-customizable block. With the click of one button, we can change that.

  8. In the properties pane, click Upgrade Now to start the Dynamic Forms migration wizard.

With Dynamic Forms, you can migrate the fields and sections from your existing record pages into individual components. Then you can configure them just like the rest of the components on the page—adding more, removing some, or moving them around–giving your users only the fields and sections that they need.

  1. Step through the wizard, select Energy Audit Layout, then click Finish

    The right-hand column is almost empty, and the fields could be in a better order. Let’s fix that.

  2. Click the Audit Notes field and drag it to the right column, above Owner.
  3. Drag the Type of Installation field above Audit Notes.
  4. If it's not already there, move Account below Energy Audit Name.
  5. Click Save, then Not Yet.  

    Activating the page makes it available to your users. This page isn’t quite ready for users, however. Maria wants to add a related list.


If someone could please help me figure out how to get past this error that would be lovely. 


#Trailhead Challenges

2 respostas

I am trying to complete the Dream Quest and i have done almost 95% but only one module (Unstructured Data in Data cloud) that i am unable to compelete as it is asking to me to create a playground and reset my password and again login with the user name it has mentioned in that module.

I have done that many times but still it is showing me error saying that "username or password is incorrect or check your credentials"

I dont understand whats the issue is ,can any one help me resolve this issue.


#Trailhead Challenges
