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#Trailhead Challenges2.435 discutindo

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

On the first step of  Create a Hello World Lightning Web Component, the error is "Make sure you add the 'helloWorld' Lightning web component to the default Home page." even though the Sales Home page is set to default for the org, Advanced Seller option is toggled inactive, and the component shows up on the page: 


Verify Step throwing error








#Trailhead Challenges

2 respostas

I am working on Salesforce – Develop for Lightning Experience module. In the QuickStart: Lightning Web Components, I can download the CLI  -sf-x64, but it asks for an admin sign-on when I try to install. 

I downloaded / installed VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.97.2. The SFDX create project command doesn’t bring up the a screen with the information I need to fill in. Also, some of the other SFDX commands I need, such as Authorize an ORG, are not in the drop down menu. 


#Trailhead Challenges


My playground org wont deploy for the trailhead: 

Get Started with the Models API > Create a Models API Lightning Web Component 

 I want to try the trail again from scratch. Can you delete my playground org so I can create a new one? 


Organization ID 





The address is:


Thank you 

#Trailhead Challenges

3 respostas
  1. 20 de fev., 02:06

    Hi , 



    To create a new  Data Cloud  org please follow the below steps.


    1. Open Hands-On Orgs ( page.

    2. Click on Create Playground button (wait 2 to 3 minutes to create playground org)

    3. Once it is created, you'll be able to disconnect the existing org' (Org shows Disconnect option)

    4. After disconnecting the org, open the  Data Cloud   challenge and click checkbox then click "Create Playground" button.

    5. Check your email inbox and set password to the new org.

    6. Now go to module and Click on Connect Org button at challenge page and connect the org and click Yes, Save It button.  



Hi Team, 


I was following steps mentioned in -



On Create a Scratch Org step, I am observing below error - 

The specified org vscodeOrg is not a Dev Hub.

I tried re-checking dev-hub (It is enabled) ,  Also tried running - 

sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a DevHub


Not sure from where it is picking vscodeOrg . I referred to this thread as well but no luck -



#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead


I have upgraded the LWC Package mentionend in the unit,  also I already create the boatPicker LWC and copied the code from  




After that I uploaded this new LWC to the org, after I click on Check Challenge to earn 500   points button, but I got the next message:  


We can't run the pre-work code in this org. Try again, and if the error persists, please log a case with the Trailhead help team.




#Trailhead Challenges

5 respostas
6 respostas
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    30 de jan., 12:22

    Hello@vyshanvi katireddi,

    • Create in new Trailhead playground.
    • Create a Lightning web component called "boatPicker" as mentioned in the module.
    • Please check,


Hello Trailblazers!


I am currently making my way through the LWC Specialist Superbadge and am struggling to troubleshoot the following error:


=== Deploy Errors

PROJECT PATH  ERRORS                                                                                     

────────────  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

              LWC1704: Missing resource value for @salesforce/MessageChannel/BoatMessageChannel__c (5:19)

11:06:24.196 ended SFDX: Deploy Source to Org.


I have created the message channel for challenge 2 and passed the trailhead validation check, so I assume that the channel has been created with the correct parameters.


Now that my boatMap component is attempting to use the message channel I can no longer deploy my source to the org as it throws the above error.


Is it possible to view if the message channel is active and present in my org directly through the playground? If so where can I find this within Setup?


I am not looking for any code samples or direct answers for this query but need some advice on how to proceed.

5 respostas
  1. 3 de mai. de 2023, 02:22

    Hi @Akshay Shrivastava,


    I've checked through all the naming conventions for the BoatMessageChannel already (as it passed the validation in challenge 2).  My issue seems to be more that my Org doesn't have any active message channels even though my channel was created according to the steps provided and successfully pushed to org after challenge 2. 


    Update:  Discovered a very annoying typo in my import statement, along with a typo in a following constant.  Problem solved and challenge passed.


I am facing issue when trying to add modelsAPIDashboard Lightning web component to the Sales home page. The lightning app builder opened for Sales home page on clicking Edit this page, but none of the components are editable. 


Failing step (Get Started with the Models API > Create a Models API Lightning Web Component): 

8. Drag the modelsAPIDashboard Lightning web component from the Custom area of the Lightning Components list to the top of the Page Canvas. 


Any help to resolve this would be appreciated. 




#Trailhead Challenges


Dear all 

i have checked the link as below but still not solve the problem


error is below 

In the boatPicker controller, we can’t find the proper configuration of which additional fields to display.


it looks like the problem comes from controller so i only shared my code as below , anyone who has passed the challenge please kindly give me some advices  


by the way 

i created the new playground , but still unsolve it .

the lwc works good in home page

Get Hands-on with Lightning-Record-Picker  in Winter '24 New Lightning Record Picker Component - Challenge Part 3 - cannot validate


截屏2024-11-20 11.05.41.png


 thanks in advanced 


import { LightningElement, wire} from 'lwc';

import { getRecord, getFieldValue } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';

import BOAT_PICTURE_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Boat__c.Picture__c";

import BOAT_NAME_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Boat__c.Name";

import BOAT_OWNER_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Boat__c.Contact__r.Name";

import BOAT_PRICE_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Boat__c.Price__c";

import BOAT_TYPE_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Boat__c.BoatType__r.Name";


export default class boatPicker extends LightningElement {   


    get showBoat() {

        return this.boatId != null;


    @wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$boatId', fields: BOAT_FIELDS  })



    displayInfo = {

        primaryField: 'Name',

        additionalFields: ['BoatType__r.Name'],


    matchingInfo = {

        primaryField: { fieldPath: 'Name' },

        additionalFields: [{ fieldPath: 'BoatType__r.Name' }],



    get boatPicture() {

        return getFieldValue(, BOAT_PICTURE_FIELD);


    get boatName() {

        return getFieldValue(, BOAT_NAME_FIELD);


    get boatOwner() {

        return getFieldValue(, BOAT_OWNER_FIELD);


    get boatPrice() {

        return getFieldValue(, BOAT_PRICE_FIELD);


    get boatType() {

        return getFieldValue(, BOAT_TYPE_FIELD);



    get backgroundStyle() {

        if (!this.showBoat) {

            return '';

        } else {

            return `background-image:url('${this.boatPicture}')`;



    handleChange(event) {

        this.boatId = event.detail.recordId;

        console.log("Selected Value: " + this.boatId);

        console.log("Selected: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail));




#Trailhead Challenges

25 respostas
  1. 28 de nov. de 2024, 17:40

    HI @peng tang 

    I am a member of the Trailhead Help team. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.


    There was an issue with the JS1 Maintenance module, but it has now been resolved. Could you please try re-doing the module in a new playground?


    Thank you!




In an effort to complete this trail:

Create a Models API Lightning Web Component

, I am getting the following error:  

"SFDX: Deploy This Source to Org failed to run" 


I would love help with this since I cannot finish the trail because of this error. Thanks!

Getting error




#Trailhead Challenges  #Certifications  #Agentforce
