Are there any remote study groups or someone interested to study for the admin exam?
Are there any remote study groups or someone interested to study for the admin exam?
I have just finished the trailhead path for Salesforce Admin and I want to study and hopefully pass the exam in one shot. I was wondering if there are any resources that are free to help study for the exam or if there are any study groups that are also available.
#Study Group
Hi there! I'm taking my Salesforce Associate Exam this Friday and I've been doing a lot of prep, but wondering if there are any study groups available? Or any other resources - trailheads, etc - that would be useful for me to pass the exam? Ty!
Hi everyone. I am looking for a study buddy in the Fort Hood, Texas area or Remote for a sales force admin course. Thank you.
also to the rest that added emails here... your contact details are pasted here. And as the community is an open public forum, those can now be easily fetched through any SEO
**(you may want to edit and delete that bit)
Hi everyone. I am looking for a study buddy in chicago area for sales force admin course. Thankyou
#Study GroupOne of my previous students has expressed interest in helping lead a Sales Cloud Consultant Study Group with me. Curious if anyone else would like to work through a 10-week group study plan to prepare for the Sales Cloud Consultant exam.
I model these study groups by assigning topics for the participants to prepare and present to the group. I serve as your guide to help answer questions and ensure we adequately cover the topics. We would meet weekly over the lunch hour (central time zone). Each presenter is given 15-20 minutes to cover their topic. It moves fast, but we support and encourage each other throughout the process.
If interested in this study group, please respond to this post or DM me. If we have enough interest, we'll try to make it happen.
@Admin Group, Omaha-Lincoln Metro, US
Hi Admins, I am so excited to be here! New with salesforce and have been doing a self study with @trailhead and hoping to get in touch with a study group to learn, practice and grow together. Please reach out to me if there is any out there or even anyone who is interested.
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I stay in Abuja
@Ezeugo Obiora-Eze did you try to find a community group in
or in trailhead Groups
I am new to Salesforce and have scheduled for exam in Feb. Is anyone looking for a Study buddy. Also, did anyone cleared the Admin 201 exam recently? Just curious to know more on How to study and where to ......
27 Haz 2022 Pzt 13:04 tarihinde Salesforce Trailblazer Community <> şunu yazdı:Greetings.
I'm planning to retake the Admin Exam 201 For this Month. Are there any Study groups preparing to tackle the exam this month?
We could join together to practice and share resources, i currently studying with both the Trailmixes and the Practice Exams of FocusOnForce (Minus the Study Guide since my resources are limited.)
Thank you for you time and attention.
#Admin Certification #Study Group #Trailhead #SalesforceAdminCertPrep