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For a couple of days I've been receiving this kind of line in my debug logs. I guess this is realated to the new API version (v37.0). 

I would n't care about this if didn't receive thousands of lines like this one in all my traces. 

17:02:42.238 (238882742)|USER_INFO|[EXTERNAL]Salesforce user id| username| GMT time

My debugs levels are: 

Database               INFO

Workflow                INFO

Validation               INFO

Callouts                 INFO

Apex Code            INFO

Apex Profiling        DEBUG

Visualforce            NONE

System                 NONE

10 respostas
  1. 17 de jun. de 2016, 06:39
    Hola everyone,

    I've been told this issue will we solved en the 204 release

    We will have to life with this for a while 

  2. 17 de jun. de 2016, 19:00
    Did that 5 times, still not working. After going through those steps, the record in "User Trace Flags" table in "Debug Logs" under Setup are cleared up though....
  3. 17 de jun. de 2016, 18:49
    naocaom, can you repeat those steps a couple of times? Make sure you check the tooling api. It is working for everyone else :)
  4. 16 de jun. de 2016, 18:02
    Facing this issue since many weeks. I tried to log a case with Salesforce but as it is a Development related question, I'm being redirected tothis discussion forum :(
  5. 8 de jun. de 2016, 10:53
    Similar issue here.  Have seen huge file size on load files.  Seem to work fine on VF pages and Controllers but when I an debugging a controller on a VF component we get this large logs filled with USER_INFO.
  6. 1 de jun. de 2016, 09:42
    I'm having the same problem.  Debug logs in our sandbox are near useless now.  It's so difficult to find which lines have actually been hit.  Often the logs only show what's happened in the constructor followed by thousands of lines of USER_INFO garbage and nothing else.  Don't know what they've done but debug logging has got worse with each of the last two or three updates