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Turn On Your New SDR Agent

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Enable Agentforce SDR and create a User record for your agent.
  • Grant access to and configure your agent.

In order to follow along with the steps in this module, you need the proper permissions to use Agentforce. Don’t try to follow these steps in your Trailhead Playground. Agentforce isn’t available in the Trailhead Playground.

Enable Supporting Features for Agentforce SDR

In order to successfully get the SDR agent up and running, there are some other services that must be enabled. Go ahead and look at how you do that.

  1. From the home page, clickSetupand select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, search for and select Agentforce SDR.

With the Agentforce SDR Guided Setup, it’s easy to turn on all of the required supporting features at once versus having to individually turn each feature on. Turning on these features lays the groundwork for your agent to do its job. If any of the features in the list were already enabled, you'll see a check next to them.

  1. Click Enable All to turn on all supporting features.

The Agentforce SDR Setup screen showing the required supporting features along with an Enable All button.

Next, Data Cloud must be enabled before you can activate the agent. The agent uses Data Cloud to generate relevant and accurate responses to lead questions using information you upload about your company. If Data Cloud is already enabled, you can skip the following step.

  1. Click Go to Data Cloud Setup.

The Agentforce SDR Setup page showing all of the enabled supporting features and the Go to Data Cloud Setup button highlighted.

  1. The Data Cloud Setup page opens in a new tab. Click the Get Started button. The process of enabling Data Cloud can take up to 15 minutes or longer.

The Data Cloud Setup page with the Get Started button highlighted.

  1. Once you enable Data Cloud, return to the Agentforce SDR Setup page and refresh the browser to remove the yellow banner.
  2. In the section titled Step 1: Enable Agentforce SDR, click the toggle to the Active position to activate Agentforce SDR.
  3. A popup window appears stating you’re about to enable and use Agentforce SDR, click Got it. A confirmation box will appear and your agent is now active.

The Agentforce SDR Setup page, showing all supporting features enabled and the active toggle switch is highlighted.

Great job! Turning on Agentforce SDR lets you create an agent user record, assign its permissions, and configure the agent in Agent Builder.

Create an SDR Agent User

Because your agent acts like a user in your org, you need to create a user record for it.

  1. In the SDR Setup, click Step 2: Create an SDR Agent User.
  2. Click Go to User Setup to create a new user record for the agent. This will be the new user for the SDR agent itself, not your Admin, Seller, or Manager.

The Agentforce SDR Setup page, showing a box highlighting the Go to User Setup button.

  1. A new tab opens allowing you to create a new user. Populate new user fields per your company’s preferences. User License and Profile need to be populated as follows:
    • User License: Einstein Agent (This determines which profiles are available for the user.)
    • Profile: Einstein Agent User (This specifies the user’s minimum permissions and access settings.)

The New User Setup page showing the correct information selected when creating the agent user.

  1. Click Save. Your agent’s user record has been created.

Assign Permissions to the SDR Agent User

To do its work in your org, the agent needs some permissions assigned to it. You assign the permissions to the user record you created for your agent.

  1. In the SDR Setup, click Step 2: Create an SDR Agent User.
  2. Click Go to Permission Sets.

Agentforce Sales Development setup page showing Step 2: Create an SDR Agent User section highlighting the Go to Permissions Sets button.

  1. This opens the Permission Sets page. Click Add Assignments.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the SDR user you previously created.
  3. Click Assign, and click Done. You have now added the Agentforce SDR agent permission set to your Agent user.
  4. From the Permission Sets Page, select Agentforce SDR Agent Perm Set.
  5. Select Data Cloud Data Space Management.
  6. Confirm Default is listed under the Data Space. If not, click Edit. Select the checkbox under Default of the Data Space. Click Save.
  7. Click Ok.

Add the SDR Agent to Einstein Activity Capture

Next, add the SDR agent to Einstein Activity Capture (EAC). EAC lets your agent access its inbox using your email application and ensures its emails are captured in Salesforce. This gives you direct visibility into all of your agent’s activities. The agent uses EAC when generating outreach and reply emails.

  1. From Step 2: Create an SDR Agent, click Go to EAC Settings. An Einstein Activity Capture tab opens, allowing you to configure and set up the syncing of sales reps’ emails and calendars with Salesforce.
  2. Click Add Contact and Event Sync.

The Einstein Activity Capture settings page with the Add Contacts and Event Sync button highlighted.

  1. Select your Email and Calendar services and click Next.
  2. Select the user connection preference and click Next.
  3. Enter a name and optional description for this new EAC configuration and click Next.
  4. Verify all the Sync Settings are customized based on your company’s specifications. Please note that email sync is required for Agentforce SDR. Click Next.
  5. Verify all the Advanced Settings and customize based on your company’s specifications.
  6. On the EAC Add Users and Profile screen, move the Agentforce SDR user you created from Available to Selected list, and click Next.

The Add Users and Profiles screen with SDR Agent in the selected box.

  1. Click Finish.

You have now configured Einstein Activity Capture to work with your chosen email and calendar services. You should see a box that confirms that the Email Configuration is successfully created.

Grant Users Access to the Agent

To assign leads to your agent and see the agent’s activity, members of your sales team need certain permissions. Go ahead and take care of that now.

  1. From the Agentforce SDR Setup, navigate to Step 3: Grant Access to Your SDR Agent.
  2. Click Go to Permission Sets. The first button in line with Identify Managers for your SDR Agent title. This gives your sales managers permission to configure your Sales Development Agents.

Grant Access to Your SDR Agent section with the first Go to Permission Sets highlighted.

  1. This opens the Permission Sets page for the Configure Agentforce SDR agent. Click Add Assignments. This permission set allows human users to configure and monitor Agentforce SDR in their organization.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the users you want to assign the permission set to.
  3. Click Assign, and click Done.

Note that if you want a user to be able to view and configure the SDR agent in Agent Builder, they'll need additional permissions.

Grant Sales Users Access to Agentforce SDR

The previous steps allowed managers access to the agent. Now we're going to assign leads to your agent, update/override upcoming communications, and see the agent’s activity. Sales reps or members of your sales team need certain permissions to be able to do that. Go ahead and do that now.

  1. In Agentforce SDR Setup, navigate to Step 3: Grant Access to Your SDR Agent.
  2. Click the second Go to Permission Sets button in the Assign User to Your SDR Agent section.

Agentforce Sales Development Setup page listing Step 3: Grant Access to Your SDR Agent with Go to Permission Sets listed next to Assign Users to Your SDR Agent (Optional) highlighted.

  1. This opens the Permission Sets page for the Use Agentforce SDR agent. Click Add Assignments.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the user you want to assign the permission set, and click Assign.
  3. Click Done. You have now granted the user the ability to assign leads with Agentforce SDR.

Connect Sales User Email Accounts to EAC

To let sellers view, edit, reschedule, or cancel SDR agent emails from the Activity Timeline of leads, you need to ensure each seller has connected their email account in their Salesforce user profile.

  1. From the seller’s Personal Settings, they can click Email and Calendar Accounts.
  2. Click New Account.
  3. Click Connect Account.

Inbox and Einstein Activity Capture connect account screen with the Connect Account button highlighted.

  1. Read the terms and click Next.
  2. Select the email and calendar service used by your company.
  3. Select the checkboxes for Email and Calendars.
  4. Click Finish.

Great job! Now you have Agentforce for Sales Development fully enabled. In the next unit, you configure, activate, and customize your SDR agent.


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