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Customize Your Sales Coach Agent

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand out-of-the-box features of Agentforce Sales Coach.
  • Explore options to customize your agent through real-life examples.

It’s Time to Customize

Now that you created your Sales Coach agent, you can customize it to address the unique needs of your team. This ensures sales reps get actionable insights and relevant feedback to increase performance.

Sales Coach is optimized for an out-of-the-box experience to give reps practice with their first pitches or initial customer discovery, and to handle negotiations, objections, and proposals. Here, you walk through some common customization use cases, and learn how to quickly modify the out-of-the-box topics and prompts—specifically, Role-Play and Feedback.

Role-Play Customization

In Sales Coach, you can customize the instructions within the role-play Topics so the agent best represents a typical buyer persona for your company. Here’s how to edit Topics and Instructions to customize your agent—the simulation below walks you through the step-by-step instructions that follow.

  1. From the home page, click the gear iconSetup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find field, search for and select Agents.
  3. Click Agentforce Sales Coach.
  4. Click Open in Builder.
  5. Select Sales Coach Agent: Opportunity Coaching.
  6. In the top right corner, click Deactivate. You must deactivate to be able to edit the agent.
  7. Click New Version. You can now edit the existing fields.

Since this example is for role-playing with the buyer on an Opportunity in the Negotiation stage, the out-of-the-box Description, Scope, and Instructions still apply. Now add one instruction to the agent specific to the competitor.

  1. Click Add Instruction.
  2. Click the new instruction field and enter this text:

Mention that the competitor “ClearTech” has better pricing and competitive features. Always ensure the product the seller is offering is still the right fit for you. Ask for feature comparison, and try to get a better deal.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Activate.
  3. Update the content in the Prompt Template Workspace to fit your business needs. An updated version would look something like the prompt below—the bold text represents added customizations.

You are a Sales Manager coaching Sales Executive {!$User.FirstName}

They are working on a deal with Customer: {!$Input:Opportunity.Account.Name}

The deal is currently in stage {!$Input:Opportunity.StageName}

Your goal is to ensure the Sales Executive understands to differentiate the product from competitors and position the unique value it offers to close the deal successfully.

Here is relevant context on this Opportunity that should be considered

Industry of the Customer: {!$Input:Opportunity.Account.Industry}

This opportunity is stage: {!$Input:Opportunity.StageName}

Customer Business Description: {!$Input:Opportunity.Account.Description}

Sales Executive Notes for this opportunity: {!$Input:Opportunity.Description}

The expected probability percentage the deal closes: {!$Input:Opportunity.Probability}

If there are tasks to be completed by the Sales Executive that are overdue, the task will = true: {!$Input:Opportunity.HasOverdueTask}

Instructions: “”“

Coach {!$User.FirstName} based on: the customer’s business description, the opportunity’s current stage, context about the opportunity and the customer, and the coaching opportunity and coaching task. Assess how well the Sales Executive is able to have a discussion with the Customer by ensuring they are following the COMPETITOR_HANDLING_CHECKLIST mentioned below.


Acknowledge the competitor’s mention without dismissing the customer’s concerns.

Highlight the key differentiators of the proposed solution over the competitor’s product.

Reframe the conversation to focus on the customer’s priorities and how the proposed solution addresses them better than the competition.

Handle objections confidently while maintaining professionalism.

Coaching Opportunity

The key to the Negotiation stage is whether the Sales Executive is able to have a discussion with the Customer about the competitor. The sales executive should be able to handle the competitor mention by following the COMPETITOR_HANDLING_CHECKLIST

Coaching Task

You will receive a written transcript of the Sales Executive you are coaching, having a conversation with the Customer they are trying to sell their product or service to.

In the feedback you provide, include the following

# Deal Summary

In 100 words or less provide a summary of the deal in complete sentences. Include in this order: the stage; customer name; amount found here: {!$Input:Opportunity.Amount}; and if provided, the {!$Input:Opportunity.Probability} likelihood to close.

# Key Strengths

What communication and selling techniques did the Sales Executive use well? Using specific examples from the Sales Executive’s transcript, summarize what they did well in differentiating the solution from the competitor’s product.

# Areas for Improvement

Identify where the Sales Executive could improve, such as providing clearer differentiators or reframing the conversation more effectively. Provide specific examples from the sales executive’s transcript.

# Next Steps

Provide an unordered list of a minimum of two, no more than four, tactical next steps the Sales Executive should focus on given the feedback provided.

After the list you need to evaluate if a Next Step has been provided in the system by the Sales Executive. State whether a next step has been identified here: {!$Input:Opportunity.NextStep}. When none is provided, remind them that Next Steps are important because they help Sales Executives manage their own deals and provide visibility for sales managers.

If a Next Step has been provided in the system, add the sentence: "Next Step you have identified is: {!$Input:Opportunity.NextStep}”. Then evaluate whether the Sales Executive has defined the next step {!$Input:Opportunity.NextStep} adequately, compared to what you think should be the next step and the stage of the deal.

You must write your response in the Second-person narrative, using “you”, “your” to give a sense of familiarity. Your feedback must not exceed 400 words. Be concise in your instructions and keep them actionable for a Sales Executive.


Here’s the Transcript: {!$Input:Transcript}

Now execute the coaching task.

Since this is an example for role-playing with the buyer on an Opportunity in the Negotiation stage, the out-of-the-box Description, Scope, and Instructions still apply. But you can add instructions for the agent that address specific scenarios, competitors, etc.

Best Practices for Customizing Topics

As mentioned earlier, you only need to update Topics and Instructions in Role-Play scenarios. Here are a few best practices to consider when you’re updating or adding new Instructions.

  • Many instructions follow conditional formats or imperative sentence structures, that is, If, Then or Never, Instead. For example, If the user does not specify a deal stage, ask for the current status of the deal. Or Never ask the user for an ID. Instead, use the name or ask for the name of the record to use IdentifyRecordByName to get the ID to call other functions.
  • It can be important to use specific label names or exact syntax that was used within an action to help LLM understand specific naming schemes or which function to call.
  • There is also an OffTopic topic that cannot be disabled.
  • Instructions might need to be repeated across Topics if an Action appears in multiple Topics.

It’s important to note that Instructions are related at the Topic level and not the Action level, even if many Instructions are created because of the testing of a specific Action.

Feedback Customization

For this example, you customize the prompts with relevant sales data—custom fields and best practices that align to your selling process. Adjust the agent to prepare a sales rep for handling your company’s competitors. This deal is in the negotiation phase with a goal to differentiate your product from competitors and position the unique value it offers to close the deal successfully. You’re working in the Get Negotiation/Review Stage Feedback prompt.

  1. From the home page, click the gear iconSteup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, search for and select Prompt Builder, then select the prompt you want to edit. Four out-of-the-box prompts are provided.
  3. Click Deactivate in the top right corner. You must deactivate to be able to edit the prompt.
  4. Click Save As and select Save as a New Version from the dropdown menu.
  5. Update the content in the Prompt Template Workspace to fit your business needs. Here’s an example of what that prompt looks like. The bold text represents added customizations.

You are a Sales Manager coaching Sales Executive {!$User.FirstName}

They are working on a deal with Customer: {!$Input:Opportunity.Account.Name}

The deal is currently in stage {!$Input:Opportunity.StageName}

Your goal is to ensure the Sales Executive understands to differentiate the product from competitors and position the unique value it offers to close the deal successfully.

Here is relevant context on this Opportunity that should be considered

Industry of the Customer: {!$Input:Opportunity.Account.Industry}

This opportunity is stage: {!$Input:Opportunity.StageName}

Customer Business Description: {!$Input:Opportunity.Account.Description}

Sales Executive Notes for this opportunity: {!$Input:Opportunity.Description}

The expected probability percentage the deal closes: {!$Input:Opportunity.Probability}

If there are tasks to be completed by the Sales Executive that are overdue, the task will = true: {!$Input:Opportunity.HasOverdueTask}

Instructions: “”“

Coach {!$User.FirstName} based on: the customer’s business description, the opportunity’s current stage, context about the opportunity and the customer, and the coaching opportunity and coaching task. Assess how well the Sales Executive is able to have a discussion with the Customer by ensuring they are following the COMPETITOR_HANDLING_CHECKLIST mentioned below.


Acknowledge the competitor’s mention without dismissing the customer’s concerns.

Highlight the key differentiators of the proposed solution over the competitor’s product.

Reframe the conversation to focus on the customer’s priorities and how the proposed solution addresses them better than the competition.

Handle objections confidently while maintaining professionalism.

Coaching Opportunity

The key to the Negotiation stage is whether the Sales Executive is able to have a discussion with the Customer about the competitor. The sales executive should be able to handle the competitor mention by following the COMPETITOR_HANDLING_CHECKLIST

Coaching Task

You will receive a written transcript of the Sales Executive you are coaching, having a conversation with the Customer they are trying to sell their product or service to.

In the feedback you provide, include the following

# Deal Summary

In 100 words or less provide a summary of the deal in complete sentences. Include in this order: the stage; customer name; amount found here: {!$Input:Opportunity.Amount}; and if provided, the {!$Input:Opportunity.Probability} likelihood to close.

# Key Strengths

What communication and selling techniques did the Sales Executive use well? Using specific examples from the Sales Executive’s transcript, summarize what they did well in differentiating the solution from the competitor’s product.

# Areas for Improvement

Identify where the Sales Executive could improve, such as providing clearer differentiators or reframing the conversation more effectively. Provide specific examples from the sales executive’s transcript.

# Next Steps

Provide an unordered list of a minimum of two, no more than four, tactical next steps the Sales Executive should focus on given the feedback provided.

After the list you need to evaluate if a Next Step has been provided in the system by the Sales Executive. State whether a next step has been identified here: {!$Input:Opportunity.NextStep}. When none is provided, remind them that Next Steps are important because they help Sales Executives manage their own deals and provide visibility for sales managers.

If a Next Step has been provided in the system, add the sentence: “Next Step you have identified is: {!$Input:Opportunity.NextStep}”. Then evaluate whether the Sales Executive has defined the next step {!$Input:Opportunity.NextStep} adequately, compared to what you think should be the next step and the stage of the deal.

You must write your response in the Second-person narrative, using “you”, “your” to give a sense of familiarity. Your feedback must not exceed 400 words. Be concise in your instructions and keep them actionable for a Sales Executive.


Here’s the Transcript: {!$Input:Transcript}

Now execute the coaching task.

The possibilities are endless! To explore more options for customization, refer to the Agentforce Sales Coach Customization.

Best Practices for Customizing Prompts

Prompts can be customized to personalize the feedback from your Sales Coach agent. Here are some best practices to consider when updating Prompts.

Determine the Section Label

This tells the model where to look. The structure of the prompt helps the model to understand where to look and keeps the model from getting confused. Be sure to use delimiters if the instruction is too long.

Use Required Fields vs. Operational Fields

Be mindful of using data that might be null. Provide default values or establish guardrails on how to appropriately use or avoid using the data. If you want to include certain data points that might be null, avoid instructing the LLM to use a specific key. Instead, guide it by using terms that encompass all relevant information or use a specific label that includes the data in those sections.

Use “Within” to Contain the Length of the Model Output

Using the preposition “within” helps the model to understand scope or boundaries. For example: “Generate a persuasive sales pitch for a new product within 50 words, highlighting its key benefits and unique selling points.”

Get the Output You Expect from Your LLM

If you notice the LLM isn’t giving the output you expect, consider making these changes to the prompt.

  • If it’s a Role Play scenario, if there isn’t a corresponding Topic for Instructions to handle the issue you’re seeing with the output, add one. Use “must” to express obligation.
  • Add the adverb “strictly” after “must” for a stronger command.
  • To command the model to do an action, use an imperative verb followed by the direct object.
  • Use you + modal must + imperative verb. This structure, including “you,” emphasizes who you’re giving the command to, and which is the LLM.
  • Use “always” to ensure the LLM provides the information regardless of whether the output is missing some element you want.

Use a Prompt Template

Customizing a prompt or writing one from scratch can seem daunting. So here’s a template you can use as a guide when updating the prompt for your use case.

  • Objective/Goal: [What specific outcome do you want your Coach to achieve?]
  • Grounding Data: [Provide all the relevant CRM context to your Coach.]
  • Instructions: [Describe the audience and the scenario with evaluation criteria]
  • Expected Output: [Provide what the ideal feedback from Coach should look like.]
  • Guidelines for output style: [Provide instructions to ensure clarity and consistency in messaging.]
  • Task closing: [Provide closing statement for the agent]

Your final task when customizing your agent is testing. This ensures that the prompt Topic or Instruction is behaving the way you want it to.

Prompt Testing

  1. From the home page, click the gear iconSteup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box search for and select Prompt Builder, then select the prompt you want to test.
  3. In the Configuration panel on the right, select Test Inputs.
  4. Enter the transcript you want to test. Here’s an example transcript to test. Copy and paste this text into the Prompt Template:

Seller: Hi Jamie, thanks again for taking the time to speak today. I know we’re at the negotiation stage, and I want to ensure we address any final concerns or questions you might have. How are you feeling about everything we’ve discussed so far?

Buyer: Thanks, Chris. Honestly, we’re still considering our options. We had a meeting with ClearTech last week, and their pricing and features are very competitive. It’s giving us a lot to think about.

Seller: That’s completely understandable, Jamie, and I appreciate you bringing that up. ClearTech is certainly a well-known player in this space, and it’s great that you’re exploring all your options to find the right fit for your team. Can I ask, which specific features or aspects of their offering stood out to you?

Buyer: Their reporting dashboard looks intuitive, and their price point is about 10% lower than yours. For a growing company like ours, those are pretty compelling factors.

Seller: I hear you, and both of those points are valid. Let’s start with the reporting dashboard. While ClearTech has a solid product, one key differentiator with our solution is that our analytics are customizable to your specific KPIs and business goals. For example, Greenfield Logistics, a client similar to your company, cut reporting time by 30% after configuring the dashboard to prioritize real-time inventory metrics. Does that level of flexibility resonate with what your team is looking for?

Buyer: That’s interesting—our reporting needs do vary quite a bit, so customization would definitely help.

Seller: Exactly, and it’s not just about the features but the results they deliver. Regarding pricing, I understand that budgets are always a factor. While ClearTech might have a lower sticker price, our clients often tell us that the ROI they achieve with our solution far outweighs the initial cost. For example, we include implementation support and ongoing optimization consultations at no additional cost, which can save you tens of thousands in the long run.

Also, I noticed that one of your top priorities is improving forecast accuracy. Our AI-powered forecasting tool, which is included in our package, has a proven track record of increasing accuracy by up to 40%. Do you feel this level of precision aligns with your goals?

Buyer: That’s definitely something we’re aiming for. I like that your solution seems more tailored to our needs.

Seller: I’m glad to hear that. My goal is to ensure our solution not only meets but exceeds your expectations in the areas that matter most to you—whether it’s customization, ROI, or forecasting accuracy. How about this: I can share a detailed side-by-side comparison of our offering versus ClearTech’s, highlighting where we deliver the most value. Would that be helpful as you finalize your decision?

Buyer: Yes, that would be great. Let’s go ahead and review that.

Seller: Perfect. I’ll send over the comparison document this afternoon, and we can schedule a follow-up to address any remaining questions. I’m confident we can build a partnership that drives measurable results for your team. Thanks again for your time, Jamie.

  1. Select an Opportunity from the list.
  2. Click Preview in the Preview panel at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Review the feedback generated in the Response section. You can adjust the prompt as many times as necessary to receive the response you want from the LLM.

Topics and Instruction Testing

  1. From the home page, click the gear iconSteup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, search for and select Sales Coach Agent.
  3. Click Open in Builder.
  4. Select the Topic you want to test.
  5. In the Conversation Preview panel on the right side of the page, enter this text:

Let’s do role play. Customer Account name is Virtuoso. The Sales Executive’s name is Samantha. The opportunity stage is: negotiation. Opportunity amount is: $52,000.

  1. Review the response from the LLM. You can see which of the specific Actions and Instructions are invoked in the middle panel. Adjust the Instructions or add Instructions until you’re satisfied with the response from the LLM.

Now you know what Agentforce Sales Coach is and how it works. You learned how to set it up so you can start helping your company’s sales reps make the most of their potential. You know two ways to adjust Instructions, Actions, and Topics to customize your Sales Coach agent. And you have the foundation to implement Sales Coach for your business and customize the agent to your business needs.


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