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Welcome: Host an Hour of Code

Learn about the Hour of Code movement and how to host a workshop.


Public Speaking Skills

Create persuasive content, build your audience, and present like a pro.

~1시간 25분

Hour of Code Enablement Pack

Get everything you need for a fun app building workshop!


Marketing Assets

Get sample emails, graphics, and a survey.


Trailhead 안내

Trailhead를 둘러보고 즉시 학습을 시작하세요.


How to Teach one Hour of Code

Introduce a group of students to their first hour of computer science with these steps.


Inspiring 500+ Students to Be Future Trailblazers

Kim Chouard, the champion of "Host an Hour of Code", shares how students innovate around the globe.


Girls Can Code: Teaching Scouts with Trailhead

Learn how one Trailblazer taught a troop of Girl Scouts in Atlanta how to build an app with no code.


Don't just be about it, tweet about it!

Tweet a picture of your event @Trailhead with #BAM


Share your BAM story with us

Go the BAM site and click "Share Now" at the bottom of page and tell us how you are empowering others. We can't wait to hear from you.