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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,396개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

The case is related to an opportunity which has quotes attached. I am struggling to build the formula because you can't use a roll-up on a cases because they are a child object 




#Trailhead Challenges

답변 3개
  1. 2월 27일 오후 6:44

    Hi, @melissa vaughn

    You are absolutely right: in Salesforce, you cannot directly use a Roll-Up Summary Field on the Case object to count Quotes, as Case is a child object of Opportunity (through a lookup relationship), and Roll-Up Summary only works for master-detail relationships. However, we can solve this using Record-Triggered Flow or Apex Trigger. 


    1. Create a field Quote_Count__c on Opportunity (Number). 

    2. Write a trigger on the Quote object:  

    (example of Apex Trigger):

    trigger QuoteCountTrigger on Quote (after insert, after update, after delete) {

    Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();

    if (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) {

    for (Quote q : {

    if (q.OpportunityId != null) {





    if (Trigger.isDelete) {

    for (Quote q : Trigger.old) {

    if (q.OpportunityId != null) {





    if (!oppIds.isEmpty()) {

    List<Opportunity> oppsToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();

    for (AggregateResult ar : [SELECT OpportunityId, COUNT(Id) quoteCount

    FROM Quote

    WHERE OpportunityId IN :oppIds

    GROUP BY OpportunityId]) {

    oppsToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(

    Id = (Id)ar.get('OpportunityId'),

    Quote_Count__c = (Decimal)ar.get('quoteCount')



    if (!oppsToUpdate.isEmpty()) {

    update oppsToUpdate;






    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ

답변 4개
  1. 2월 25일 오전 11:06

    Hello @patel Ravi

    Please check, if any other automation (validation Rule, trigger, flow) is activated on the Account object, if any then try to deactivate it. 

    If it is not working, then try in a new fresh org, it might be the existing record causing the issues in your org. 

답변 5개
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2월 24일 오전 6:20

    Hello@Yogesh Akar,

    • here are the steps:-
    1. First click setup then open object manager.
    2. Second click opportunity then open field dependencies.
    3. Third edit field dependencies and make sure every lost and won values are included then save it then check your challenge.

    If not working 


Can't proceed with the Trailhead completion - getting the error below. 


Step not yet complete in Resourceful Otter Playground

An unexpected error occurred while inserting Opportunity records and we couldn't check your work. Make sure Opportunity records can be inserted in this org, and click "Check Challenge" again. If this continues, contact the Trailhead Help team. 


How do I resolve so I can complete the Trailhead? 


#Trailhead Challenges

답변 3개
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2월 18일 오전 7:22

    Hello@Shawn McNamara

    If not working 


Hi, I am having trouble getting this challenge checked. I took all the steps for both validations but the error message says, "An unexpected error occurred while inserting Opportunity records and we couldn't check your work. Make sure Opportunity records can be inserted in this org, and click "Check Challenge" again. If this continues, contact the Trailhead Help team."



Can someone help me with this? 


#Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead

답변 4개
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2월 18일 오전 7:09

    Hello@Jessica Osias

    • here are the steps:-
    1. First click setup then open object manager.
    2. Second click opportunity then open field dependencies.
    3. Third edit field dependencies and make sure every lost and won values are included then save it then check your challenge.

    If not working 


I've been trying to do the 'Customize a Salesforce Object' project for a while now. I've left it on hold for a year, but it's still incomplete on my Trailhead and it's giving me the following error:  An unexpected error occurred while inserting Opportunity records and we couldn't check your work. Make sure Opportunity records can be inserted in this org, and click "Check Challenge" again. If this continues, contact the Trailhead Help team.    Today I tried to solve it once and for all, but I can't. Can someone help me?   

답변 4개
  1. 2월 14일 오후 9:42

    Hi , 


    Try unchecking the checkbox "deselect the checkbox Restrict picklist to the values ​​defined in the value set" in Picklist (Multi-Select) Options in the settings for "Close Reason". 



    Hi , Try unchecking the checkbox




Hello good day, I have the following error when I finish the cendero, I created a new playground, all the challenges of this route I did in the same playground, I have no active validations only those mentioned in the challenge and still not allow me to continue or finish the challenge. I retio my playground only used it for this route and I don't have anything else here and all the challenges only of this path I did in this playground so I don't have anything extra active and I don't have tiggers either. 

Error in the validation rule




#Trailhead Challenges

답변 3개
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2월 14일 오전 6:35

    Hello@Paty Chavez,

    • here are the steps:-
    1. First click setup then open object manager.
    2. Second click opportunity then open field dependencies.
    3. Third edit field dependencies and make sure every lost and won values are included then save it then check your challenge.

    If not working 


I'm working on Create an Automation with Flow Builder.  See 


When a created a support case for a large account, I could not save it. I got this error message:


"We can't save this record because the “Notification: Case for Large Account” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Missing required input parameter: SObjectRowId Error ID: 2129078499-204667 (-1677892507)Missing required input parameter: SObjectRowId Error ID: 2129078499-204667 (-1677892507)"


When trying to think what I might have done wrong, I remembered creating the flow and getting an instruction that did not seem right. The screenshot shows the instruction. It says I'm to enter the record ID as {!$}.  Trailhead would not allow me to save the input as {!$}  When trying to select from the available options, I could not find anything that gave that result. I finally found one that gave this result "{!$Record.ContactId}". I decided to try that. Perhaps this is why I'm getting this error message.  


Any ideas? 

답변 8개
  1. 2023년 12월 6일 오후 9:54

    Hi @Ronald Cram ,


    So I tossed out the Cases org I had done this in and created a new Cases Redo playground. I started at the beginning of the module and copied and pasted every single thing being careful not to have extra spaces or punctuations and VOILA! I don't know what was missing the first time around and I'm guessing it was something that wasn't typed/copied correctly.




hey everyone, 

i get the next error on the picture,  

done all the instructions, any other thing i can do to fix it and to finish the challenge  

thanks all  

i get en error on  Customize a Salesforce Object > Create Validation Rules




#Trailhead Challenges

답변 4개
  1. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    1월 26일 오후 4:20

    Hello @David Groisman, you probably use an old playground with interfering previous customisations (required field on the account object, active validation rule, dependency not correctly defined in dependent picklist, incorrect flow or code). 

    Please either remove these interfering configurations, or otherwise provision a brand new playground to take on the challenge again on a brand new playground. Eric

답변 8개
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2월 6일 오전 5:24

    Hello@Manish Bhandari,

    • here are the steps:-
    1. First click setup then open object manager.
    2. Second click opportunity then open field dependencies.
    3. Third edit field dependencies and make sure every lost and won values are included then save it then check your challenge.

    If not working 
