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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,404개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

I am wondering why, in the 'Add a Flow to Your Prompt Template' module, specifically in the Flow, we need to create those two single record variables that we make available for input. It doesn't seem like we leverage or store anything inside of them.  Could anyone explain why these two variables are crucial?    The two single record variables in questions are:  - Experience  - Reservation    Thanks in advance!   

답변 3개
  1. Ajaypreet Singh Saini (Grantbook) Forum Ambassador
    2월 24일 오후 8:03

    Hey @Christopher Burt, these values will passed while doing testing the prompt as an input in the module


    Test the Prompt

    1. In the Reservation field type, er. Select any reservation.
    2. In the Experience field type, Family. Select Family Karaoke Night.
    3. Click Preview.
    4. Take a look at the output of your prompt template.
    5. Click Activate.
Hi all,


I am stuck in this specific challenge for Service Cloud Specialist superbadge.


For Challenge 6: Build case and agent automation.


I have build a macro that send email with email publisher action in Casefeed with specific email template and close the case with quick text, in both step with submit action.


I tested with my email and I can confirm email is sent through.


However I am keep receiving


'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 


We can't find the 'Send Email' macro. Ensure the Macro sends an email to the customer.'


I can not figure out what needs to be fixed at this point.  I saw some of the users having the same error message but didn't find any suggested solution worked out yet.  Can anyone please help?


Thanks a lot in advance.


Best Regards



I am unable to complete this Trailhead Module: Get Hands-On with an Iterable Variable in For Loops, because I keep getting this error message: "The constructor MyIterable should accept parameter of type List<String>."


Here's my MyIterable Class with its constructor accepting the correct type of parameter:


public class MyIterable implements Iterable<String> {    private List<String> strings;    public MyIterable(List<String> strList) {        strings = strList;        strings.iterator();    }    public Iterator<String> iterator() {      return strings.iterator();   }}


#Trailhead Challenges

답변 7개
  1. 2024년 12월 12일 오후 10:28

    Hi @Edward Dalton,

    • You need to assign strings (In constructor, It should be strings not strList) to strings class variable. Use this keyword.
    • You should replace strings = strList; with this.strings = strings;
    • In constructor remove strings.iterator();

    Code should be like this -

    public class MyIterable implements Iterable<String> {

    private List<String> strings;

    public MyIterable(List<String> strings) {

    this.strings = strings;


    public Iterator<String> iterator() {

    return strings.iterator();




We can’t find a credit card number with values ‘333312312312312’ in the Verification Email prompt template. Update the credit card number to 333312312312312 and then click Save & Preview.


I have checked multiple times, I have the given number in the template. 


#Trailhead Challenges

답변 14개
  1. 2월 9일 오후 7:20

    This Trailhead:  

    Configure LLM Data Masking Policies | Salesforce Trailhead

     Checking the Challenge did not work for me either.  

    Eventually I added 


    Credit Card on file: 378282246310005 


    Credit Card on file: 333312312312312 

    Credit Card Number: 3333-1231-2312-3123 

    Credit Card on file: 3333123123123123  << After I added this one, it suddenly worked. hmm. It's probably a fluke.  


    Also, has anyone noticed that the SSN in the example above, looks real! Someone in North Carolina lose their data?  @Salesforce Trailhead should update this test to use "SSN: 943930486" for this test.  


    The Template correctly identifies SSN starting with 9. " However the SSA states that Invalid SSN are : The first three digits (former area number) as "000," "666,” or in the 900 series." Source


I am in the Add a Flow to Your Prompt Template part of the Quick Start: Create a Prompt Builder Flex Template the first time i tried to finish the test i received ID error: -561342874. i'll share a picture of it with this question, the second time i try to do the test it doesn't show me one of the steps (Template-Triggered Prompt Flow

can anyone give me a good reason why this is happening to me?

the testing environment having a lot of issues please help








is not shown in the steps  


#Trailhead Challenges


I am trying to create the Tableau CRM Learning Adventure app, Version 7. I tried installing the app and the error message "wave.exception.WaveServiceException: Numeric field [DateSold_Year] in object 'anonymized_coffee_csv' has an invalid default value: Metadata JSON" pictured below keeps appearing and I can go no further. It happens after I name the app, click create, and then a few seconds later I receive this error message. I thought that maybe it was the fact that the org I was using was a year old so I created a brand new Tableau CRM enabled org on 3/12/22. This did not solve the problem. The only thing I could find for something like this is an outdated discussion on null measure handling. Even if that was the case for this type of error back then, from what I understand, this is now turned on with no way to turn off. I am at a complete loss and I am hoping that someone knows how to fix it. Any help would be most appreciated and thanks!

Tableau CRM Learning Adventure Install Error

답변 3개
  1. 2022년 3월 24일 오후 2:11

    For everyone who has this problem - Here is the solution from Salesforce


    Hi Stephano,

    The only way to fix this problem is to contact support. With the new "learning adventure" templates, they require Null Measure handling to be enabled in the Org to create this app. Since its not enabled in the Org, it throws that error. You can save yourself some time by telling them you need Null Measure handling enabled for the Learning adventure template and cut & paste the 4 questions below and after each one, answer them when you messsage contact support. This way you won't have to wait until they send you this in an email and have to reply back.  

    There are going to ask you the following questions:

     If you want to enable Null measure handling, please provide your inputs/answers for the below pointers so that we can proceed further:  1. I understand that once null measure handling in Analytics(Tableau CRM) is activated, it can’t be disabled (we encourage testing this functionality in a sandbox or a Dev/Free Trial org):  2. What is the Organization ID of the production or sandbox instance that needs this feature (This is a 15-character string starting with ‘00D’ that you can find through Setup | Company Profile | Company Information):  3. I’m the system administrator authorized on behalf of this organization to request this feature (please provide login access and let us know the username):  4. I have reviewed and completed all relevant steps found in the following support article:


    After I sent back reply, they turned it on and it worked purfectly. Hope this helps you and anyone else who runs against this error.


    Rhys Schneider


Activated Record Summary Prompt Template is not available when editing the page and summary record. I have recreated activated and tested the Prompt 4 times now. Anyone having same issue or have a workaround? 

Prompt Builder Templates Superbadge Unit / Build an AI-Generated Summary of Related Records




#Trailhead Challenges

답변 1개
  1. 1월 26일 오후 7:47

    In case someone else has same issue . . . ask yourself if you are using the correct prompt template.


Went thru every step properly, saw my agent, except the last step - and tried to republish multiple times but doesn't seem to allow me to test:  Agent not responding as expected? Try re-publishing the Experience Cloud site. The proper connection between the agent and the Experience Cloud site may take a few minutes on initial site publish.


#Trailhead Challenges


I have done everything right from building the model with the correct model and tested it but it give me error that "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong We can't find the correct model selected for the Translate Survey Input prompt template". By default the model in the prompt template was OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo but I changed to OpenAI GPT 4. 


I am having trouble completing the "Add a Flow to Your Prompt Template" section in the "Quick Start: Create a Prompt Builder Flex Template" module. I am getting the following error:


Error: It looks like the New Guest Newsletter Prompt Template does not contain the proper text related to the flow.


I have checked my prompt template, and it matches the instructions. The test is producing the expected result, but I still cannot complete the challenge


#Trailhead Challenges
