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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,434개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

I am trying to complete the badge "Configure a Net Zero Cloud Org".


In the last step "Load Emissions Factors Datasets" I get the error message: "We can’t find the ‘US EPA - Electricity - EGRID’ Emissions Factors dataset."


In the instructions of this badge is never requested to load that specific dataset only this one: "US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Electricity - eGRID"


Trying to find the specific dataset "‘US EPA - Electricity - EGRID’ Emissions Factors" in the datasets included with Net Zero Cloud (see link below) I could not find it.


The most similar dataset I found is this one  "EPA - Electricity - eGRID2022 (2024 release)" but I still get the error after loading it.


Datasets included with NZC:


Please advise how this badge can be completed.


Thank you.


#Trailhead Challenges
