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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,421개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

I am going through the challenge:

Learning Path > Protect Your Salesforce Data > Sessions-Bases Permissions Sets and Security > Getting started with Session-Based Permission Sets

I have completed the steps cloning the Minimum Access-Salesforce profile and renamed it as Minimum Access -  Salesforce Clone as mentioned in the challenge. 

I get to the next step of creating a new user. However, when I go to the drop down list and try to select the profile that I created "Minimum Access - Salesforce Clone" it does not appear as a valid selection within the LOV. 

I did notice that the previous Label is User License and in that selection or LOV. I should be able to see Salesforce as a selection but I do not see that as a selection. 


Here are the steps of the Challenge:

Create a Session-Based Permission Set and Assign It to a User

You want a temporary employee named Lynda Herman to update and edit sales accounts during specific sessions. Create a session-based permission set and assign it to Lynda.

  • Clone the Minimum Access - Salesforce profile and name it Minimum Access - Salesforce Clone
  • Create a new user:
    • First Name: Lynda
    • Last Name: Herman
    • User License: Salesforce
    • Profile: Minimum Access - Salesforce Clone
  • Create a session-based permission set:
    • Label: Temporary Account Edit
    • API Name: Temporary_Account_Edit
    • Checkbox: Session Activation Required
    • License: None
    • Object: Account
    • Enabled permissions: Modify All

Session- Based Permission Set > Profile was created but cannot locate correct license when creating new user








#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead Support

답변 11개
  1. Steven Trumble (Skie) Forum Ambassador
    2024년 10월 18일 오후 6:55

    For the user license you need to use Salesforce license. Not Salesforce Integratin. 

    The reason you cannot see the Salesforce license is because you have a different user in your org using the second Salesforce license already. Locate whoever that user is and either deactivate them or make them use a different user license.
