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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,456개

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I've followed all steps through now multiple times and for some reason when I'm creating a case, it doesn't ask me to enter an Entitlement Name. Not sure if this is part of why its saying no "entitlement related list on Account page layout" (when I can clearly see it on the account tab)

Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements>Enable Entitlements and Set Up Service Contracts

Hi, i was doing assessment 


Enable Entitlements and Set Up Service Contracts and Getting this error even after adding entitlement related list on account page layout-" We can't find the Entitlements related list on the Account page layout."


Getting this error even after adding entitlement related list on account page layout-


답변 63개
  1. 2021년 11월 1일 오전 9:20

    Hi Sandi


    I have same problem you. I got a big hint from Keiji (who make link to you), so I leave the answer what I solved.

    Follow below step.

    1. Edit the Record Type of Account

        Absolutely, you must got error message when deactivate Record Type.

        But push it.  SO you can see the profile list have usage of this Record Type.

    Hi Sandi I have same problem you. I got a big hint from Keiji (who make link to you), so I leave the answer what I solved.Follow below step.1.

    2. Click each Profile.

    3. Go Record Type Setting (scroll down this page)

    record type setting.PNG

    4.Remove Selected Record Type

    record type remove.PNG

    You almost touch down. It is nine yard.

    5. If you remove each profile's Selected Record Type, You can deactivate this Record Type.

    6. After the check deactivate of that Record Type, You VERIFY again.


    That was my case when can't not find Entitlements in page layout of Account object.

    Thanks for hint Keiji Otsubo (FUKADA DENKI CORPORATION).


I am solving the Enable Entitlements and Set Up Service Contracts in Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements, I completed every step, and upon verifying, getting an error that  

Step not yet complete in Curious Wolf Playground

We can't find the Entitlements related list on the Contact page layout.


#Trailhead Challenges

답변 2개
  1. 2024년 11월 19일 오후 7:42

    Hello Charmi,

    please make sure the Entitlement list is in the right page layout
