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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,454개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Create the correct org as described in -

    GIT -


Tried deploying : sf project deploy start -d cc-employee-app 


Error recevied: 

Your organization doesn't have permission to create flows of processType "PromptFlow".   

generativePromptTemplate isn’t a valid property name.  

Invoke_Prompt (Action) - We can't find an action with the name and action type that you specified.   


I tried enabling the Flow user , however I got a message that I do not have license available and contact support. I did verify that I generated the correct org as explained in


 am stuck on Deploy the Easy Spaces Sample App and getting a error and trying to fix 

Step not yet complete in Cunning Raccoon Playground 

We couldn't find the 'Space Management' Lightning app. Make sure the correct unlocked package was installed according to the requirements.  


#Trailhead Challenges

답변 7개
  1. 2월 26일 오후 3:29

    Hi @jill dixson



    We assume this issue needs further review and we may need access to your playground. We will reach out to you via email to investigate further. 


    ++CreateTrailheadCase ← You can ignore this command, it is a tool used by our Agents to tell the system to create your case.  


    Thank you! 




I am getting the below error post execution of " sf project deploy start -d cc-employee-app" command from my terminal. Please note, I have updated my CLI version with latest.


Error -

Type - Bot

Name - Copilot_for_Salesforce

Error - You don't have access to bots of type InternalCopilot.


I am unable to complete the lab as I am getting the below error. I am assuming above error is causing this failure.

Step not yet complete in Data Cloud

We can’t find the expected metadata from the sample app project.


#Trailhead Challenges


I've completed the Salesforce Dreamhouse App deployment from my local IDE, and followed instructions from (Here)[

] to find an error. 


First off it says we have to use VScode which I can't do since Microsoft products are not allowed to be installed at this client, so I just used Pycharm and problem solved. 


So a bit of googling led me to the (Github dreamhouse-lwc)[

] showing rest of the instructions. 


What section of code on the org does the Trailhead app check, the Dreamhouse app is running but it won't accept the instance I spent two days getting to work. 



We can't find the Dreamhouse sample app. Make sure that you take the steps in the project readme to deploy the app to your Trailhead Playground


Is Dreamhouse case sensitive or what am I missing? 


Dreamhouse has been deployed but trailhead says it can't find it... yet I have a screenshot showing otherwise.




#Trailhead Challenges


I'm lost. I need help


We couldn't find the 'E-Bikes' Lightning app. Did you deploy the sample app?


We couldn't find the 'E-Bikes' Lightning app. Did you deploy the sample app?



#Trailhead Challenges


 whats going on is im not able to deploy the app cause im getting a errror message and trying to fix it


Step not yet complete in Playful Badger Playground

We couldn't find the 'E-Bikes' Lightning app. Did you deploy the sample app? 


#Trailhead Challenges

답변 2개
  1. 2024년 12월 14일 오후 5:48

    Hi @jill dixson,


    I am from the Trailhead help team. I assume that this issue needs further review and we may need access to your Salesforce org where you are trying to complete the challenge. We will create a case on behalf of you for this issue and reach out to you via email to investigate further.


    Thank you!


    Nagendra Babu Pilli

    Trailblazer Help




For the project "Quick Start: Explore the Coral Cloud Sample App", within the Base Metadata Deployment steps, item 3 (deploy the app metadata) errors out for me. See error below. How to advance past Coral Cloud metadata deploy errors/ fail?

I've already checked that my installed CLI version is greater than 2.56.7 by running sf -v in a terminal; it's 2.61.8. Even so, I tried running 'sf update', but had the most up to date version. 


Anyone else run into this and find a way to resolve it? 


#Trailhead Challenges
