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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,418개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.


i have two questions : 

Which data stream category should be assigned to use the data for time-based operations in segmentation and calculated insights?

A. Transaction B. Individual C. Sales Order D. Engagement In my opinion is D but i read same people says it's A 

The second question is : 

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTD) creates a calculated insight to compute recency, frequency, monetary {RFM) scores on its unified individuals. NTO then creates a segment based on these scores that it activates to a Marketing Cloud activation target.

Which two actions are required when configuring the activation?

Choose 2 answers

A. Add additional attributes.B. Choose a segment.C. Select contact points.D. Add the calculated insight in the activation.

Can you help me please with justification ?

Thanks a lot


In the module, it says:  "The home page is what your users see first after logging in. This page can be customized to highlight information specific to the user. Easy access to pertinent information = increased efficiency. We customize the home page through the use of the Lightning App Builder. "


The module goes on to only review setting the user's home page by App and Profile, but not just to the specific user.  This seems odd if Salesforce is moving away from being profile-centric. In my following example, it would mean I'd have to create either a unique App or unique profile for the user.     In the nonprofit I work at, there is often a Manager and an employee in one department.  The manager needs to see high-level and big picture items and the employee needs to access records and tools used for data entry and communication.  They clearly need different home page views, yet they have the same default app and profile for their area of work.   Ultimately my question is, is it just False that I can create a home page specific to one user? The language is misleading. Thank you!  Alison  

답변 3개
  1. 1월 23일 오전 7:07

    Hi @Alison Violette



    To set up a Home Page specific to ONE user in Salesforce, you can use the concept of Audience Targeting in the Lightning App Builder. Salesforce does allow creating user-specific home pages, but it requires configuring Lightning Pages with Custom Audiences.  

    Here's the solution step-by-step:  




    1. Create the Home Page:
      • Navigate to SetupLightning App Builder.
      • Click New → Select Home Page.
      • Customize the page with the components and layout required for the specific user.
    2. Activate the Home Page for a Specific User:
      • In the Lightning App Builder, click on Activation.
      • Under Assign This Home Page To Specific Users, select App and Profile or click on Advanced for Audience Targeting.
    3. Create a Custom Audience for a Specific User:
      • In the Activation settings, select Create New Audience.
      • Define an audience with criteria specific to the user:
        • Select the User field.
        • Set the criteria to match the specific user's Name or Username.
      • Save the audience.
    4. Assign the Home Page to the Custom Audience:
      • In the activation settings, assign the customized Home Page to the audience you just created.
    5. Test the Setup:
      • Log in as the specific user or ask them to log in to confirm that the Home Page is displayed correctly.


    Refer the below video too.





    A. Gobinath


#Trailhead Challenges

We can't find the correct settings in the 'Bank Account Updated?' decision. Make sure you included the correct target reference to 'Assign Existing Bank Account ID' (API Name: Assign_Existing_Bank_Account_ID).

답변 3개
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2024년 10월 18일 오전 8:09

    Hello@Swati Patle,

    • Super badges are part of the credentialing program,
    • Please make sure you Signed up for a free org with special configuration
    • Please check prerequisite
    •  Please Check out the Superbadge Challenge Help article.