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#Trailhead Challenges토론 중인 항목 2,456개

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

In Trailhead admin above task not getting the related fields..

  1. Click the Related tab.
  2. Click New in the Entitlements-related list, and fill in the details.
    • Entitlement Name: Basic Phone Support
답변 9개
  1. 2023년 6월 8일 오후 12:44

    Link :


    I have made the required entitlement and completed all the previous steps, but I'm not getting the Entitlement Name option while creating a new case. Please help @Sushmitha B @Divya Chauhan

    Link : I have made the required entitlement and completed all the previous steps, but I'm not getting the Entitlement Name option while creating a new case.


I've followed all steps through now multiple times and for some reason when I'm creating a case, it doesn't ask me to enter an Entitlement Name. Not sure if this is part of why its saying no "entitlement related list on Account page layout" (when I can clearly see it on the account tab)

Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements>Enable Entitlements and Set Up Service Contracts


As I was proceeding through this trailhead, "Create Service Contracts with Entitlements," some of the elements that the steps were talking about, especially from the 'Log A Case To Test the Process' step on through the bottom, had several elements that did not appear anywhere in the places that the instructions said they would. This was rather confusing.   


Further details - Sorry, have not had the time to redo the entire section of the trailhead. I had been completing the portions of the section and verifying them in my Playground successfully each time. See screenshot. The trailhead said I had passed on the first try each time, so I was confused as to why certain things were not appearing. I had the screen magnified at 110%, so that shouldn't be so big as to hide all those parts? And I have multiple screens to follow the instructions carefully in every module.   

Some elements not appearing as indicated




#Trailhead Challenges
