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#FSL Mobile토론 중인 항목 0개

Asmina Shaikh 님이 #Security Review에 질문했습니다

I am having custom profile , I have assigned it to user , however after assigning all types of permission set and object setting to view and modify all for return order object. Return order owd is private #Security Review #Security #FSL Mobile

답변 2개
  1. 2024년 5월 30일 오후 1:48

    In a Profile or Permission Set make sure to check the "Use Order Management Return Order" system permission to be able to access Return Order Object.


    This is a poorly documented behavior of Return Order object that is counter-intuitive to troubleshoot as without this permission OWD and CRUD settings are ignored.


    Hope this helps!


Hi all,


I'm having trouble with contractors being able to get into the mobile app due to an error on 'Missing user permissions'.


I have created a customer community plus community. I have also created a test user using my own email address and enabled them in the community. They have the permission sets of FSL mobile licence, fsl resource permissions, and fsl resource licence assigned. They also have the fsl mobile licence. This user is also associated with an active service resource.


However on logging in using the custom url for the community it gets them to the stage where it asks to allow access, then on the next screen it says 'Missing user permissions' And under it it says 'You lack permissions to use Field Service.'


Is there anything obvious I'm missing? I'm assuming the FSL resource permission set should be giving them the basics to access the FSL objects used in the mobile app? 


@Steve Hupp 


#FSLOfficeHours #FSL Mobile 

댓글 9개
  1. 2024년 5월 22일 오전 4:24

    I hope this helps some. I had the same issue. The problem was that the user related to the Service Resource was inactive. There were duplicate users with the same name. The users that were deactivated were linked to the service resource. I added an active user and it worked.


Hi #FSL Experts,


I have a LWC component that is displaying using a Tab in FSL mobile app. I have a requirement where I have to navigate to a different tab (Schedule tab) from LWC button in my component. However, I'm not able to know which type of Page is Schedule in FSL so I can use relevant page type in my LWC navigation.


Let me know what will be the Type and apiName for Schedule tab in FSL mobile app.


type: '??????',

attributes: {

apiName: '?????'



#FSL #FSL Mobile #Salesforce Field Service #Field Service Lightning #Field Service App #Field Service Mobile Settings @Field Service Mobile

답변 3개

I read that navigationMixin of pageReference type standard__webPage is supported in LWC quick actions for FS Mobile, but when I try to open a link, it errors.

I would appreciate any help!

NavigationMixin - standard_webPage not working in LWC in FS mobile appMy code is the following:

let openFileUrl = ' Documents/MyPage.aspx?id=%2FMy%20Documents%2F0WO01000001jrM3GAI/IMG_0111.jpeg"';


type: "standard__webPage",

attributes: {

url: openFileUrl



답변 1개
  1. 2023년 11월 30일 오전 5:32

    Hi @Rei Suzuki

    Hope you are doing well

    The standard__webPage type in NavigationMixin should indeed work for opening web pages in Salesforce Mobile. However, there might be issues with the URL format or the structure of your code causing errors.

    Here's an example of how you should structure the code:


    import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

    import { NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation';


    export default class YourComponent extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) {

        openFileUrl = ' Documents/MyPage.aspx?id=%2FMy%20Documents%2F0WO01000001jrM3GAI/IMG_0111.jpeg';


        navigateToURL() {


                type: 'standard__webPage',

                attributes: {

                    url: this.openFileUrl






    A few things to consider:

    1. Ensure that your URL is properly encoded. It seems like the URL you provided might have an issue with the encoding (e.g., spaces should be replaced with %20). Ensure that special characters are appropriately URL encoded.
    2. Check the permissions and settings within Salesforce Mobile. Sometimes, if the URL is considered unsafe or blocked, it might cause an error.
    3. Verify that the code structure and import statements are correct in your Lightning Web Component (LWC). Ensure that the component is correctly wired up to the button or action that triggers this navigation.
    1. Hope you will understand your issue with this content.
    1. Thanks!
    1. #FSL Mobile #Service Cloud 

In Field Service Mobile App Builder:

 I have created a configuration and assign it to mobile user profile(Service resources) and I have added a new Work Order tab , but why it is not getting in Mobile to the FST's(Service resources).


please help!!




@* Salesforce Field Service *

답변 4개
  1. 2023년 11월 27일 오후 8:15

    @Reinier van den Assum Yes, you are correct - the following FOUR permissions need to be enabled not just the two on the knowledge article

    - Access Lightning Web Components in Field Service Mobile

    - Custom Applications for Field Service Mobile

    - Access drag-and-drop content builder

    - Customize application

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  1. Heiko Lindner (Privat) Forum Ambassador
    2023년 11월 16일 오후 12:39

    That's not possible out of the box. Resource preference is related to the work order and you cannot use this in the list view. Maybe a report could help or if you just have one resource preference, maybe you could use a helper field and some kind of platform automation to populate the right data into the work order field. Then you can use this as filter criteria. 

    Keep in mind, in standard field service app configuration, there is no option to see a work orders via list view. 

    Maybe with the new app builder option, this is possible, but I didn't try it so far. 

답변 2개