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I'm trying to pull all the users who have not posted anything (user feed , group feed etc) on chatter. Is there a way to query SOSQL  or report to find out users who have never posted anything on chatter. Thanks.
3 answers
  1. Mar 5, 2015, 6:21 PM
    Try the below code to get the list of users who didn't post anything in user feed or group feed 


    List<Id> userIds = new List<Id>();

    for(ChatterActivity chatterId: [SELECT Id, PostCount, LikeReceivedCount,ParentId FROM ChatterActivity]) {



    List<user> userId = [select id,username from user where Id Not IN:userIds];

    System.debug('User id list'+ userId);

  2. Mar 5, 2015, 5:18 PM
    Karanraj - thank you for your response. we have installed this app but it does not show which users have never used. Also there is lot of confusion with this app with group feed and feed items etc. Group feeds are seperate from user feeds. I thought I could just query directly in developer console. Need help with the query