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Stephen Zolper Jr 님이 #Trailhead Challenges에 질문했습니다

Good day,


  Attempting to complete the Automate Your Survey Invitations, however I keep getting that the system cannot find my resource:


Challenge not yet complete in Service Learning:

We can’t find the resource Survey Recipient.


  It looks like the system is looking for a resource with API name in the flow of 'Survey Recipient'.  Seeing that the system will not allow me to input an API resource with a space in it, how can I complete this challenge?  




답변 19개
  1. 2023년 2월 16일 오전 12:08

    What I suspect is that while creating a variable you might have copied/pasted the value for Default Value: {!$Record.Owner.Id}. However, it should be selected from the drop-down by selecting Record then owner, and then id.

    I did the same and it worked.

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