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Gopal Sharma (abc) 님이 #Reports & Dashboards에 질문했습니다
I am creating a case lifecycle which will calculate total combined time while Case was in the new, open and hold status, excluding Pending status but when i am creating case lifecycle report and applying filter case history status not equal to pending it is only giving me new and open case.


If i apply the filter case history status = on hold then it is giving me onhold one then why in my previous filter when i apply case history status not eqal to pending it is showing me only oprn and new can someone please help me on this. 
답변 2개
  1. Ines Garcia (get: Agile) Forum Ambassador
    2021년 7월 15일 오전 11:54

    Hi Gopal.  where are you with this/

  2. Ines Garcia (get: Agile) Forum Ambassador
    2021년 6월 8일 오전 11:17
    Hi Gopal. 


    To extend analitycs you can look at reporitng snapshot or extend to an analytics platform such as Tableau CRM (Einstein Analytics)