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Embed Equality in Your Business

Embed Equality in Your Business

Gain skills to live the value of equality and support diversity and inclusion in the workplace and across your business.

비즈니스 사용자
~1시간 30분

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  • 비즈니스 리더십
비즈니스 사용자
~1시간 30분

Equality Fundamentals

Understand Equality as a Salesforce value, become an ally, and establish a common language


Identity, Implicit Bias and Interactions with Others

Reflect on personal identity and implicit bias and how both influence behavior.


Inclusive Leadership

Identify Inclusive Leadership traits and principles, and put them into practice.


Equality and Customer Success at Salesforce

Understand how Equality informs how we do business and support our customers and partners.

~1시간 30분