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Create an External Data Source and External Objects

Add an External Data Source

In a real production system, you would use Salesforce Connect to access data in a back-end system, such as SAP or Microsoft SharePoint. In this task, you connect to a sample data source running on Heroku.

  1. From Setup, type External Data into the Quick Find text box. Click External Data Sources and select New External Data Source.
  2. Enter OrderDB for External Data Source and name the data source OrderDB, and select Salesforce Connect: OData 2.0 as the type.
  3. Enter as the URL. Leave the other fields with their default values, and click Save.
  4. On the next screen, click Validate and Sync. Salesforce Connect retrieves the schema from the external system.
  5. Select both the Order and OrderDetail tables, and click Sync.

Scroll down to see the new external objects. Click them to see their fields.

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