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Deploy the Sample App

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

  • Deploy the Dreamhouse sample app.
  • Explore the Dreamhouse sample app.
  • Explore the components and sample code.

Meet the Dreamhouse Sample App

In this project you install and explore the Dreamhouse sample app. This application incorporates Lightning web components and other Lightning Experience features to deliver a rich user experience that helps Dreamhouse, a fictitious real estate company, manage its properties and brokers using the Salesforce Platform.

Dreamhouse sample app Property Explorer page

About This Project

In this Quick Start project, you install a sample app from the Trailhead Sample Gallery. The sample app has examples that you can use to learn about the Lightning Web Components programming model. It also has code to give you a head start on developing your own Lightning web components. 

If you’d like to tour the sample app gallery, see Quick Start: Tour the Sample App Gallery

Before You Start

Before you take the steps in this hands-on project, make sure you complete Quick Start: Lightning Web Components. That badge walks you through setting up your Salesforce DX development environment.


To create and develop Lightning web components, you need a set of tools we call Salesforce DX (Developer Experience). It includes the Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI) and Visual Studio Code, which, with the Salesforce Extension Pack, is the recommended code editor for developing on the Salesforce Platform. 

To clone the repository that contains the sample app, you use Git, a version control system. Follow the instructions we provide in this step to install Git. Then follow the instructions in the sample app readme file to clone the sample app repository and deploy the sample app to your Trailhead Playground.

Create a New Trailhead Playground

For this project, you need to create a new Trailhead Playground. Scroll to the bottom of this page, click the down arrow next to Launch, and select Create a Trailhead Playground. It typically takes 3–4 minutes to create a new Trailhead Playground.

Note: Yes, we really mean a brand-new Trailhead playground! If you use an existing org or playground, you can run into problems completing the challenges.

Get Your Trailhead Playground Username and Password

Let’s get started. Go to your Trailhead Playground. (If it’s not already open, scroll to the bottom of this page and click Launch.) If you see a tab in your org labeled Get Your Login Credentials, great! Skip ahead to step 1. 

Otherwise, from the App Launcher (App Launcher), find and open Playground Starter and follow the steps. If you don’t see the Playground Starter app, check out Find the Username and Password for Your Trailhead Playground on Salesforce Help.

  1. Click the Get Your Login Credentials tab and take note of your username.
  2. Click Reset My Password. This sends an email to the address associated with your username.
  3. Click the link in the email.
  4. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click Change Password.

Get Git Command Line

  1. Install Git from Accept all of the default installation settings.
  2. Confirm that Git is installed. In Terminal (macOS) or Command Prompt (Windows), enter this command:
    gitThe output should be a list of git commands.

Deploy the App

Now that you have all of the tools installed and integrated, you use Visual Studio Code to deploy the Dreamhouse sample app to your Trailhead Playground.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open the Command Palette: Click View | Command Palette. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+P (windows) or Cmd+Shift+P (macOS)
  3. Open a terminal window: Click Terminal | New Terminal. This is where you paste the commands provided in the following instructions.
  4. Deploy the app to your Trailhead Playground org by following the instructions from the project readme.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up the Dreamhouse sample app. In the next step you walk through the app.

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