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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Create Multiple Quotes

The framework for Ian’s sales team is almost complete. There are just few more things to set up. For the sales reps, prepare a couple of quotes for customers and sync one of them to an opportunity. These quotes show the customers the prices of the ground-mounted solar panel products and the solar panel cleaning service that Ian and his team are selling for Ursa Major Solar. Before you set these up, go into the system and enable quotes.

Enable Quotes

  1. From Setup, enter Quotes in Quick Find, and then select Quotes Settings.
  2. Click Enable, then click Save.
  3. On the Page Layout Selection, select Opportunity Layout.
  4. Check Append to users’ personal related list customization.
  5. Click Save.
    Page Layout Selection with checked items.

Create a Quote and Sync It to an Opportunity

Now create a quote and sync it to the Saito - Ground-mounted Panels opportunity.

  1. Click App Launcher icon to open the App Launcher and select Opportunities.
  2. From Select List View, select All Opportunities.
  3. Under Opportunity Name, click Saito - Ground-mounted Panels.
  4. In the Quotes section (at the bottom of the page), click Quotes.
  5. Click New Quote and enter the details.



    Quote Name

    80 Cell Ground-mounted Panels

    Expiration Date

    Set for one month from today

  6. Click Save.
  7. If you don’t see the newly created quote, refresh the quotes section.
    Page refresh button

Now set up syncing for the quote you just created. Quote syncing lets you link a quote to the opportunity that it was created from and synchronize all updates between the two records. An opportunity can have multiple quotes, but it can sync with only one quote at a time.

  1. While still in Quotes, under Quote Name, click 80 Cell Ground-mounted Panels.
  2. In the Quote header, click Action menu icon to open the actions menu and select Start Sync.
  3. On the Sync Quote pop-up, click Continue . Now the quote and the opportunity are synced so updates to one record are always reflected in the other.

Create a Quote and Create PDF

Next, create a second quote, edit the quote line items, and create a PDF of the quote.

  1. Click the Opportunities tab.
  2. From Select List View, select All Opportunities.
  3. Under Opportunity Name, click BSofSW - Ground-mounted Panels.
  4. In the Quotes section (bottom of the page), click Quotes.
  5. Click New Quote and enter the details.



    Quote Name

    60 Cell Ground-mounted Panels

    Expiration Date

    Set for one month from today

  6. Click Save .

Now refresh the section to see the new quote, open it, and make some changes.

  1. Click 60 Cell Ground-mounted Panels to open the quote.
  2. In the Quote Line Items section, click Edit Products.
  3. For the GreenSun Ground product, change these fields:







  4. Click Save .
  5. In the quote header section, view the Grand Total field. The price reflects the increase in quantity as well as the 10% discount.
  6. In the Quote header, click Actions menu icon to open the actions menu, and then click Create PDF.
    Actions menu showing Create PDF highlighted.
  7. Click Save to Quote.
  8. Under the Notes & Attachments section, click 60 Cell Ground-mounted Panels to view the PDF.
  9. After viewing the PDF, close it.

You're nearing the finish line. In this step, you created a couple of quotes, one of which you synced to an opportunity. In the next step, create a couple of orders and add products to them.


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