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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Create a User and Setup Approvals

Learning Objectives

In this project you’ll: 

  • Customize the page layout for a travel approval app.
  • Enable Chatter on the travel approval app to allow for in-app collaboration.

There are a number of ways to adjust the user interface in your Salesforce org to meet your needs. Many customizations can be made through configuration menus and drag-and-drop page layout editors—all with no coding required. This project focuses on the non-coding approach to modifying the user interface, as you customize an app that tracks company travel. 

Note that if your company has advanced user interface requirements beyond what can be accomplished with standard configuration, your developers can create custom interfaces or components. 


Before you can do this project, you must complete the Build a Data Model for a Travel Approval App project. The work you do here builds on the work you complete in that project. 

Make sure to use the same Trailhead Playground for all the projects in this trail. 

Launch Your Trailhead Playground

You complete this hands-on project in your own personal Salesforce environment, called a Trailhead Playground. Get your Trailhead Playground now by first logging in to Trailhead, and then clicking Launch at the bottom of this page. Your playground opens in a new browser tab or window. Keep the playground window open while you do this project. After you complete the project steps in your playground, come back to this window and click Verify step at the bottom of this page.

Note: For the best experience, you should use the Trailhead Playground you created for the Build a Data Model for a Travel Approval App project

Create a User

Before you begin customizing the travel app, first create a new user, Eric Executive, and set him up as manager. This involves assigning roles and profiles so that Eric has the correct permissions to approve travel requests.

  1. In your Trailhead Playground, click Setup and then select Setup. 
  2. Enter Users in the Quick Find box, and select Users.
  3. Click New User and enter these details.
    First Name
    Last Name
    (use your real email address)
    Usernames must be unique across ALL of Salesforce. Choose a username like:
    • eric.<yourlastname>@<yourcompany>.com
    • …or create a username of your choice that should be unique
    User License
    System Administrator
  4. Click Save.

Enable Approval Settings

Now set Eric Executive as your manager, but first ensure you are logged in as yourself. Later in your approval process, travel approval requests are routed to your manager as a first-level approval step.

  1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box and select Users.
  2. Select your user account in the list provided. (Click on your name in the All Users list.)
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Scroll down to Approver Settings. Set your manager as Eric Executive by clicking Magnifying glass iconand selecting Eric Executive from the list. 
  5. Click Save.

You’re off to a good start. Move on to the next step and create and Customize a List View.

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