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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Create a Custom Position Record Page

Create Fields on the Position Object

You’ve limited the positions that individual hiring managers can create. Ling Wu would like the technical hiring managers to go deeper and specify the skills they’d like for their candidates to have, such as programming languages or operating systems.

To accomplish this, you can create a few new fields and a new custom Position record page to reflect differences between technical and nontechnical positions.

First, create fields for Operating System and Programming Language.

  1. If you’ve navigated away from the Position object, from Setup, click Object Manager and click Position.
  2. Click Fields & Relationships, then New.
  3. Select Picklist as the Data Type and click Next.
  4. For Field Label enter Operating Systems.
  5. Select Enter values, with each value separated by a new line and enter these values
    • Windows
    • Unix
    • Mac
  1. Click Next.
  2. Select and deselect the Visible checkbox to clear the column, then select these profiles:
    • Recruiter: Technical
    • System Administrator
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Save & New.

Now create a second new field.

  1. Choose Picklist as the Data Type, and click Next.
  2. For Field Label enter Programming Languages.
  3. Select Enter values, with each value separated by a new line and enter these values:
    • COBOL
    • .Net
    • Java
    • PHP
    • Perl
    • Python
  1. Click Next.
  2. Select and deselect the Visible checkbox to clear the column, then select these profiles:
    • Recruiter: Technical
    • System Administrator
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Save.

Create a Record Page for Technical Positions

Next, create a new record page for technical positions that shows the Operating System and Programming Language fields in a separate section.

  1. Click App Laucnher icon to open the App Launcher, then click Recruiting.
  2. Click the Positions tab.
  3. Click one of the existing positions in the Recently Viewed list.
  4. Click Setup icon, then select Edit Page. This is a shortcut to get into App Builder and clone the default record page for the Position object.
  5. Enter Technical Position Page as the Label.
  6. Enter Technical_Position_Pageas the API Name.
  7. Click Save, then click Not Yet.
  8. Click the Details tab, then select the Record Detail component inside the tab.
  9. In the properties pane, click Upgrade Now to start the Dynamic Forms migration wizard.
  10. Step through the wizard, select Position Layout, then click Finish.
  11. Drag the Record Type field from the palette into the Information section and drop it just below the Department field.
  12. Drag a Field Section from the palette and drop it just below the Information section.
  13. For Label, enter Technical Skills.
  14. For Columns, select 1-Column.
  15. Drag the Operating Systems and Programming Languages fields into the new Technical Skills section.
  16. Save the page.

Finally, activate the page for the Position object so the Recruiter: Technical and System Administrator profiles always use the Technical Position page layout.

  1. Click Activation.
  2. Click App, Record Type, and Profiles tab.
  3. Click Assign to Apps, Record Types, and Profiles.
  4. Select the Recruiting app, then click Next, and Next.
  5. Select the Technical Position record type, then click Next.
  6. Select the Recruiter: Technical and System Administrator profiles, then click Next.
  7. Review the assignments, then click Save.

Now you’ve created picklists that IT and Engineering hiring managers can use to indicate the specific skills required for the positions they create. You’re ready for the last step: enabling Chatter on the Review object to allow Ling’s HR team to communicate with one another about their potential hires.

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