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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Create a Templated Dashboard

Get a head start on your dashboard development by using one of the CRM Analytics templated dashboards. Once you’re done, you add some widgets and code changes to make it your own.

Build the Dashboard

Head to the Analytics Studio home page.

  1. Click Create and select Dashboard.
  2. Click the Create Dashboard from Template button.
  3. Click the Table Expansion template. 

Choose a Dashboard Template window with Table Expansion selected

  1. Click Continue.
  2. Under Choose a dataset, click OlympusOpportunities (Olympus) from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the dimensions dropdown menu. Select the following fields as listed below. Dashboard widgets are defined by field order.
    1. Opportunity Type
    2. Account Type
    3. Opportunity Name
    4. Stage
    5. Billing Country
    6. Account Name
  1. Under Choose measures, click Amount from the dropdown menu.
  2. Under Choose a date, click Close Date from the dropdown menu. Table expansion settings as described above
  3. Then, click Looks good, next.
  4. Enter Olympus Opportunities in the name field.
  5. Click Create. If you did steps 1 through 10 with the Olympus app closed, select Olympus in the app dropdown, then click Create.

Saving the dashboard in the Olympus app

You’re taken straight to the dashboard designer for Olympus Opportunities.

Add Dashboard Filters

Start by adding and updating a date widget.

  1. Add a date widget to the top right corner of the dashboard.
    Adding date widget to dashboard.
  2. Click inside the date widget and select Close Date.
  3. Then, click Create.

Update the Revenue Number Widget

  1. Click once on the number widget below Revenue, then click the Query tab.
  2. Under Faceting, select Exclude from the dropdown menu. Setting Revenue widget to exclude faceting.

So what’s faceting?

It’s when queries interact with each other using the same dataset. There may be times when you want to control which widgets react to another. Like when a number is already filtered by a date, it shouldn’t be filtered by another date widget. Otherwise, it may show no results.

Update a Few More Widgets

  1. Click on the Revenue text widget.
  2. Replace the text with Revenue YTD
  3. Add a List widget to the left of the Close Date date widget.
    Adding a list widget to the dashboard.
  4. Click inside the widget and click Opportunity Owner, then Create.
  5. Update the list widget’s title to Opportunity Owner.
  6. Save the dashboard.


You saved yourself a lot of work by creating a templated dashboard! In the next step, you use SOQL to make a live query.


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