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이 뱃지에는 새로운 사용자 정의 Agentforce Playground가 필요합니다

이 뱃지와 Agentforce Playground가 필요한 다른 뱃지를 완료하는 데 제한된 시간이 주어집니다. 주어진 시간이 끝나면 이 Playground에 액세스할 수 없으며 처음부터 다시 시작해야 할 수도 있습니다.

Configure and Activate Your Agentforce SDR Agent

You’ve completed all of the prework and are now ready to create, configure, and activate your Agentforce SDR Agent.

  1. Refresh the Agentforce SDR Setup browser page. In Step 4: Configure and Activate Your SDR Agent section of the Agentforce Setup page, click Go to Agent Builder.

Step 4: Configure and Activate Your SDR Agent of the SDR Agent setup with the Go to Agent Builder button highlighted.

  1. A new tab opens and you’re on the Review Topics step of adding a new agent. The agent type of Agentforce Sales Development Rep has already been selected. If it hasn't automatically been created for you, select Agentforce Sales Development Rep as the type of agent you want to build.
  2. In the Review Topics section, ensure all available topics (Send Outreach, Respond to Prospect, and Manage Opt-Out) have been added. Click Next. Note: If the Review Topics page is empty, click Next and then click Back. You will now see the Topics.
  3. In the Define Settings section, populate the fields as follows (some of this may be pre-populated):
    • Name: Agentforce Sales Development Rep
    • API Name: Agentforce_Sales_Development_Rep(This autopopulates.)
    • Description: Prospect and generate pipeline 24/7 with an autonomous AI agent. Agentforce Sales Development Representative (SDR) intelligently engages leads with personalized content, answers common questions, and schedules meetings.
    • Role: You are an AI sales representative that contacts prospective leads and gives them product and pricing information.
    • Company: Acme is a B2B provider of cutting-edge, energy-efficient IT hardware and networking equipment designed to reduce energy consumption and support sustainability without compromising performance.
    • Agent User: Select SDR Agent from the list.
    • Check the Enrich event logs with conversation data box.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Skip the Select Language and Tone section by clicking Next.
  6. Skip the Upload Files section by clicking Next.
  7. In the Engagement Rules section, select the following options:
    • Assign Lead to Agent When: Lead is created.
    • Take Action When: Select All conditions are met (AND).
    • Field: Select Last Activity.
    • Operator: Select Is Null.
    • Value: Select True.

Set Engagement Rules section of the Agent Builder.

  1. Leave all other default selections and click Create.
  2. Click Activate.

Great work! You’ve activated your new agent. Now it’s time to test it out.

Previewing Agent Generated Draft Emails

In this testing environment you won’t be able to schedule or send emails to leads, but we can preview the type of emails your agent will draft and schedule to send.

  1. From the list of Topics, click Send Outreach.
  2. Click This Topic’s Actions tab, and click Sales SDR: Draft Initial Outreach Email.

Topic menu with the This Topic’s Actions tab highlighted and the Sales SDR: Draft Initial Outreach Email action highlighted.

  1. Click Leave if a pop-up message asks you if you want to leave the page.
  2. This opens a new page showing the action, click the new window icon “” to open the prompt template associated with this action.

Agent Action Details page for the Sales SDR: Draft Initial Outreach Email with the open in a new window icon highlighted.

  1. This opens the Draft Initial Outreach Email prompt template in a new window. You can scroll through the prompt template workspace and see everything contained within the prompt. You can even modify it should you choose to. In this case, we want to test it out using one of our leads. To do this, click Test Inputs in the Preview section.

Prompt Template Workspace screen with the Test Inputs button highlighted.

  1. In the Recipient box type Jeff and select Jeff Glimpse.
  2. Click Preview.
  3. You can read the generated email for Jeff in the Response area. See the screenshot below for a sample response (note that responses may vary).

Preview screen within Prompt Builder showing a sample email in the response window.

Congratulations! In this project, you learned about Agentforce Sales Development and what it can mean for your business. You enabled the functionality, created a user with the correct permissions, and created your first sales development agent. You even generated a preview of the emails an agent can send to leads.

Great job setting up Agentforce to nurture leads 24/7. Now you’re ready to start using Agentforce to improve sales development and build your pipeline. It’s time to think about how you’d like to customize and use your agent. Curious how other companies are using Agentforce for lead nurturing? Check out examples here.

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+100 포인트

여러분의 Agentforce Playground에서 이 유닛을 완료하게 됩니다.

이 뱃지에는 새로운 사용자 정의 Agentforce Playground가 필요합니다

이 뱃지와 Agentforce Playground가 필요한 다른 뱃지를 완료하는 데 제한된 시간이 주어집니다. 주어진 시간이 끝나면 이 Playground에 액세스할 수 없으며 처음부터 다시 시작해야 할 수도 있습니다.

Salesforce 도움말에서 Trailhead 피드백을 공유하세요.

Trailhead에 관한 여러분의 의견에 귀 기울이겠습니다. 이제 Salesforce 도움말 사이트에서 언제든지 새로운 피드백 양식을 작성할 수 있습니다.

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