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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

예상 시간

Try Out Your New Site

Time to test out what you built. Click the link in your confirmation email to view your published site and try it out. If you didn’t get the email, click Preview from the builder.

Start a Chat

  1. Use one of the previous tabs that were opened via sites and navigate back to Salesforce Setup.
    • Click the App Launcher App Launcher and enter Service Console in the Search apps and items... box and select Service Console.
  2. Click Omni-Channel in the lower-left corner.
  3. Click the dropdown next to Offline and select Available - Chat.

Now, go back to your site page, refresh the browser, and click Preview. The chat button should change to Chat with an Expert. Try it out!

  1. Click Chat with an Expert.
  2. Enter your first name and last name and click Start Chatting.
  3. Go back to the Service Console.
  4. Click the check to accept the chat.

Accept an incoming chat via Omni-Channel

Now you have a chat session going! Try out chatting from the agent side, and the site side. Click End Chat whenever you’re done.

Ask a Question

  1. From your site, click Ask a Question.
  2. Select New Products from the Post To dropdown.
  3. In the Question section, enter a question regarding a new product. For example, “When will this year’s new bike be available to buy?”
  4. Click Ask.

Now, click Home on the site, and click on the topic you asked a question about.

  1. Select New Products from the Topics dropdown on the navigation menu.
  2. Your question should be listed.
  3. Click Articles to see related knowledge articles.
  4. Click an article to open it. Give the article a thumbs-up rating!

Create a Case

  1. Click Home on the site.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click Contact Support.
  3. Select yourself as the Contact Name.
  4. Enter any information you want, then click Submit.
  5. Now, click Cases on the site navigation menu. Select My Open Cases to see the case you just submitted.

Check Out Your Profile

  1. Next to the search feature on the site, select your name.
  2. Select My Profile to view your site profile, where you can see your information, cases, discussion, files, and more.

Way to Go!

You just built a site using Experience Cloud for Category 1 Biking.

Completed Category 1 Biking community.

The new site includes knowledge articles organized by topic, online chat, a button to ask a question, customized branding, and more. Category 1 Biking fans can now engage with the company and with each other in a whole new way.

Nice work. See you on the road!

단계 확인

+100 포인트

실무 조직에서 이 프로젝트을(를) 완료하게 됩니다. Launch(실행)를 클릭하여 시작하거나 조직 이름을 클릭하여 다른 항목을 선택하세요.

Salesforce 도움말에서 Trailhead 피드백을 공유하세요.

Trailhead에 관한 여러분의 의견에 귀 기울이겠습니다. 이제 Salesforce 도움말 사이트에서 언제든지 새로운 피드백 양식을 작성할 수 있습니다.

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