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Upload Flag Images into CRM Analytics

What You’ll Learn

This project shows you how to create a great-looking dashboard using flag images to represent the countries or regions represented in the data. In it, you’ll learn how to:

  • Upload images that can be used in charts.
  • Prepare and upload a dataset to use those images.
  • Add the images to a chart.
  • Create a cool dashboard to display the chart.

Charts that Engage and Educate

The best charts are both informative and eye-catching. They’re meant to both inform your audience and, let’s face it, wow them a bit.

Let’s say you’re creating a chart summarizing the worldwide value of accounts in countries where your company has operations. You could go with a plain old bar chart.

Analytics bar chart showing sum of value for each country

Or, you could go with a colorful gauge chart that grabs your audience’s attention.

Analytics dashboard with polar gauge charts and flags

Present worldwide sales in with plain vanilla bars? Everyone’s doing that. You’d like your presentation to stand out from the crowd with a cool visualization. Check out those engaging gauges with not only color coding, but also a flag matching the country or region in the center of each gauge.

So how did those flag icons get there? They came from the image gallery, a feature you access from image widgets in the dashboard designer. But these flag images aren’t there out-of-the-box. You need to add them to the image gallery before you can use them.

Sign Up for a CRM Analytics-Enabled Developer Edition Org

For this project, you can’t use an existing Developer Edition org or a Trailhead Playground org. Follow the steps below to get a CRM Analytics-enabled Developer Edition that comes with a limited CRM Analytics Platform license and contains the sample data required for this project.

  1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with CRM Analytics.
  2. Fill out the form:
    • For Email, enter an active email address.
    • For Username, enter a username that looks like an email address and is unique, but it doesn't need to be a valid email account (for example,
  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Save your username, password, and login URL in a secure place—such as a password manager—for easy access later.
  6. You are logged in to your Developer Edition.

Now connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead.

  1. Make sure you're logged in to your Trailhead account.
  2. In the Challenge section at the bottom of this page, click the org name and then click Connect Org.
  3. On the login screen, enter the username and password for the Developer Edition you just set up.
  4. On the Allow Access? screen, click Allow.
  5. On the Want to connect this org for hands-on challenges? screen, click Yes! Save it. You are redirected back to the challenge page and ready to use your new Developer Edition to earn this badge.

We’ve given you files to use for flags in your fancy gauge. Click here to download a zip file, then use these steps to upload the files to the image gallery:

  1. Double-click the image file to unzip it. You’ll get 11 flag image files in a folder named Flags.
  2. To open the App Launcher, click App Launcher icon in the navigation bar.
  3. From the App Launcher, find and select Analytics Studio.
  4. Click Create and select Dashboard.

Analytics create menu with pointer on dashboard

  1. In the template chooser, click Create Blank Dashboard.
  2. From the left-hand toolbar, drag an image widget onto the canvas. analytics dashboard designer with image widget on canvass
  3. In the center of the image widget, click Image.
  4. In the image selection window, click Gallery, then click Bulk upload icon. analytics image gallery upload images
  5. Open the Flags folder that you just unzipped and select all of the flag image files and click Open to upload them. The flags now appear in the gallery.
  6. Click Close icon to close the gallery.

analytics image gallery

Now you’ve got a gallery full of colorful flags! Next you’ll learn how to create a dataset that can use those flags.

단계 확인

+100 포인트

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