Create a Travel Requests by Month Report
Select a Report Type
Let’s create another report for our dashboard.
- From the Reports Tab, click New Report.
- From the Choose Report Type screen, open the Other Reports folder and select Travel Approvals.
- Click Continue.
Build Your Report
You are now presented with the report builder. The report builder provides a drag-and-drop interface to easily build and customize your reports.
- Enter and select the following fields to the Add column… box, in order:
- Department
- Status
- Out-of-State
- Destination State
- Trip Start Date
Trip End Date
- In the main report table section, left-click the Trip End Date column and select Group Rows by This Field. You can also search for the Trip End Date field under Group Rows in the Outline Section and add it here.
- Instead of grouping by each individual day, let’s group by calendar month. In the preview pane, click the down arrow in the Trip End Date heading and select Group Dates By | Calendar Month.
- Click the down arrow in the Out-of-State heading and select Group Rows by This Field.
- The report is now grouped by Calendar Month and then Out-of-State flag.
- Click Save and set the following parameters for the report.
Report Name
Travel Requests by Month
Report Description
Leave blank
Report Folder
Public Reports
- Click Save.
- Click Run.
Congratulations! You now have two reports that you can use as the basis for your dashboard.
In the next step, you add these reports as components on your Salesforce dashboard.