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Take Action with Tasks and Labels

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Take action directly from the task card.
  • Describe how to create a new task.
  • Explain how to create a custom-colored label.

Take Action Directly from the Task Card

Many tasks can be completed while working in the To Do List.

  • Complete standard tasks right from their card. If the task subtype is an email, you can click the email icon to write and send it right from the To Do List.
  • Complete a call task from an integrated dialer without leaving the To Do List.
  • For cadence steps, you can complete any of the tasks from its card, whether it’s a call, email, LinkedIn InMail or connection request, screen flow action, or a custom step. (Work items are linked to their record, which contains a screen flow that you complete.)

You can also take secondary actions working from a card. These include edit task, create follow-up task, skip cadence step, pause cadence, manually complete step, change target assignee, adjust step timing, or remove from cadence.

Naturally, if you do want to open a target record, simply click the card’s target name.

Create a New Task in the To Do List

When you’re ready to create your first task, start by selecting the New Task option in the dropdown menu of the right panel or the New Task link at the end of the list to quickly create a task.

Two places in the To Do List where a user can access New Task.

The New Task window opens. If your Salesforce admin has added the Task Subtype field to your Task page layout, you can select Call or Email. This adds the context-sensitive action icon Call or Send Email to the task card so that you can take direct action from the card.

In the New Task window, you find these standard fields.

  • Assigned To
    • Assigned To defaults to your name, but with certain permissions you can assign the task to another Sales Cloud user.
  • Subject
    • Subject of the task: As you begin typing, common words such as Call or Email appear in a dropdown to get you started, or simply begin typing your brief task subject or description.
  • Due Date
  • Priority
  • Name
    • You can relate the task to a Contact, or toggle the icon to Leads, then select a name to associate with your task.
  • Related To
    • Search next to the Account icon to associate the task with an account. Your Salesforce admin can enable other icons, such as Contracts.
  • Task Subtype is available when your Salesforce admin has added it.
    • Select Email or Call, and the To Do List card will include the Call or Send Email action that you can execute directly from the card.

You don’t need to make a selection in every field if the default setting suits your needs.

Create a Custom Label with a Custom Color

Recognize important tasks at a glance when you create custom labels with a memorable name and color. Let’s walk through the steps to create a label and apply it to a task. To get started, click New Label in the side panel, or click an existing task to add a new label.

Two places in the To Do List interface where a user can access New Label.

In this example, the label name is UK Prospects and the hex color is #000080.

UK Prospects label with color dropdown showing blue hex #000080.

Now we can assign the new label to a specific task. Here are the steps you would follow to do this.

  1. In the To Do List, find the Call David Smythe task.
  2. Hover over the label icon to reveal the dropdown list of labels.
  3. Select UK Prospects, then Apply.
    Note: To reveal the label on the task card, expand the card, or choose Expand All in the Action menu.

Dropdown shown to apply UK Prospects Label selection.

Want to see all the tasks associated with a label? Selecting the label in the side panel brings up a list of every task with that label. In the example, the expanded view of the task Call David Smythe displays the new label UK Prospects.

Tasks labeled UK Prospects shown in the To Do List.

Sum It Up

Stay on top of your tasks and get more done by using the To Do List. You can see all your tasks in one place, whether they were added by your manager, part of a cadence step or screen flow, or your own quick reminders. Increase your productivity with personalized sort and filter options. Make juggling multiple priorities easier and take control of your workday with the Salesforce To Do List.

Check out Quick Cadences for Sales Teams for more ways to add simple outreach emails, calls, or custom tasks to your To Do List.


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