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Prepare for Your First Survey

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Determine whether you can create a survey.
  • Enable surveys.
  • Assign a profile to create and send surveys.

Survey Says... You Can’t Read Minds

Ursa Major Solar is a supplier of solar components and systems. Its ready-to-go solar solutions division is the newest and fastest-growing part of the company. But rapid growth can lead to increased customer support issues. Ursa Major wants to make sure it’s prepared by listening to customers and addressing their needs as Ursa Major expands.

Ursa Major sets up a customer satisfaction initiative led by its top sales rep, Erin Donaghue. Erin’s first step is to find out if customers are happy with Ursa Major’s solar panels.

Since she can’t read minds, Erin is going to ask customers directly. But face-to-face surveys are time-consuming and—it turns out—not always accurate. Research shows that customers give more honest feedback online than in person. Erin wants to know the truth, even if it’s not all good. Online surveys are the way to go.

Erin from Ursa Major sitting in her office with imaginary surveys flying out of her computer.

Ursa Major wants to know if customer satisfaction is increasing or decreasing, so one survey isn’t going to be enough. Erin wants to poll customers over time. By sending out surveys regularly, Erin can compare results. That helps her to give a more accurate assessment of how Ursa Major meets its customer goals now and in the future.

Luckily, Ursa Major uses Salesforce. Erin can use Salesforce Surveys, a simple way to create beautiful and easy-to-use surveys. Erin goes to her Salesforce admin, Maria Jimenez, to get started.

Check Requirements to Create and Send Surveys

Maria’s first step is to make sure that Erin is eligible to create surveys using Salesforce. She checks the requirements.

Maria is in luck! Maria learns from her Salesforce account executive that an unlimited number of surveys can be created and sent out using Salesforce Surveys in Developer, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions. Maria needs to enable the surveys component and assign one of the standard profiles that allows users to create and send surveys to Erin.

Ready to Get Hands-on with Surveys?

Create a new Trailhead Playground now to follow along and try out the steps in this module. Scroll to the bottom of this page, click the playground name, and then select Create Playground. It typically takes 3-4 minutes for Salesforce to create your Trailhead Playground. You also use the playground when it's time to complete the hands-on challenges. 


Yes, we really mean a brand-new Trailhead playground! If you use an existing org or playground, you can run into problems completing the challenges.

Enable Surveys

Maria must set up Ursa Major’s org to use surveys. For surveys that are sent only to others who work at Ursa Major, Maria just has to enable Salesforce Surveys. But Erin wants to send her surveys to Ursa Major customers. To do that, Ursa Major needs an Experience Cloud site that allows public access. Maria doesn’t select the site right away, she wants Erin to create a test survey and send it within her team. Let’s see how Maria enables Surveys.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. Enter Survey in the Quick Find box.
  3. Click Survey Settings.
  4. Enable Surveys.

When Erin is ready to send out the survey to her customers, Maria will need to choose the Experience Cloud site as the default site to create public survey invitations.

Two out-of-the-box surveys—Customer Satisfaction and Net Promoter Score—are also added to your org when you enable Surveys.

Select Profile

Maria must assign a profile to Erin that allows her to create and send surveys. Here’s how Maria selects Erin’s profile. Check out the Resources section to learn how to let users assign custom profiles to create and send surveys.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. Enter Users in the Quick Find box.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Click the user name. For the purpose of this badge, select your user name.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. If not already selected by default, select one of the following in the Profile field.
    • System Administrator
    • Marketing User
  1. Click Save.

Configure Survey Invitation Sharing

Next, Maria configures the survey’s sharing settings. She wants survey creators to be able to see all the responses but not the participants. Surveys can contain sensitive customer info, and she wants respondents to feel confident that their thoughts aren’t shared with anyone other than the survey owners.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. Enter Sharing in the Quick Find box.
  3. Click Sharing Settings.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. If not already selected by default, choose Private next to Survey for both Default Internal Access and Default External Access.
  6. If not already selected by default, choose Private next to Survey Invitation for both Default Internal Access and Default External Access.
  7. Click Save.

Maria sets up surveys for her org and configures permissions for Erin. Then she sets permissions so that customers taking surveys can read their own responses but not anybody else’s.

Erin is ready to create her first survey.


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내 과제

Enable Surveys and Secure Survey Responses
Enable Surveys and ensure that only survey creators can access responses. If you haven’t already created a new Trailhead Playground, do it now.
  • Enable Surveys for your org
  • Configure survey invitation sharing (we won't check this):
    • Settings: Private
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