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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Display a Flow on a Page in Your Salesforce Org

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe use cases for displaying a flow on a Lightning page.
  • Create a new Lightning page and add a flow to it.

We recommend completing the Screen Flows badge before working on this badge. The Screen Flows badge teaches you how to create screens in your flows.

If your flow is intended for internal users in your Salesforce org and it’ll be used frequently, make it easy to find by adding it to a Lightning page.

Check whether this method is right for your flow by asking these questions.

  • Is the flow important enough to take up screen space?
  • Is the flow going to be used frequently?

If you add a flow to a Lightning page, every time the page loads, the flow starts and its first screen is displayed. If the flow includes any elements that come before that screen, the flow performs those actions even when the user is working with a different element. To avoid any unintended actions, we recommend making the first element in these flows a screen element.

Lightning Pages

If you want to expose a flow as a region of a page in Salesforce, add it to a Lightning page. Everything you need to know about Lightning pages is in the Lightning App Builder module. But for those of you who haven't earned that badge yet, here's a quick summary.

The Lightning App Builder is a point-and-click tool that makes it easy to create custom pages for the Salesforce mobile app and Lightning Experience, giving your users what they need all in one place.

A Lightning page is a custom layout that lets you design pages for use in the Salesforce app or in Lightning Experience. A Lightning page is composed of regions that contain components.

Here are the most common types of Lightning pages.

  • Home page: defines the Home tab when a user logs into Salesforce.
  • Record page: contains record details and lists related to an object.
  • App page: a page that isn't related to an object or the Home tab.

Use the Lightning App Builder to create or update any of these pages. Drag components onto the appropriate region of your page, configure their properties, and go!

Add Your Flow to a Lightning Page

Here’s how simple it is to add an active flow to a Lightning page. We focus on the Record page for accounts here, but you can do the same for any Lightning page type.

  1. In the global search bar, enter Edge, and select the Edge Communications account.
  2. Click Setup and select Edit Page.
  3. Drag the Flow component to the top of the right column in the canvas.
    Drag a flow component from the Standard components list onto the account page.
  4. For Flow, select the Hello World flow that you created earlier.
  5. Save and activate the page:
    1. Make sure to select Assign as Org Default.
    2. Click Next and then click Save.

Test Your Flow

Click Back to return to the Edge Communications account, and refresh the page to see your flow in action.

The Hello World flow on an Account record page.

You put this flow in a narrow column on the Account page, but you can add flows to Lightning pages any way you like. Put it in the larger column, put it in a full-width column, make it the only thing on the whole page. Just for fun, here’s our flow inside a Tab component.

The Hello World flow in the Flow Tab tab next to Activity and Chatter in a Lightning page component.


실습 과제

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내 과제

Add a flow to a Lightning page
Add the "Hello World" flow to a Contact record page.

If you haven’t already done so, complete the challenge in the first unit in this module before attempting this challenge. Otherwise, this challenge won't pass.
  • Add the "Hello World" flow to a Contact record page.
  • Make sure that the API Name of the page is Contact_Record_Page
  • Activate the page.
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