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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Get to Know Salesforce Backup

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe how Salesforce Backup can enhance your Salesforce data integrity and security.
  • List Salesforce Backup key functionalities.
  • Plan and prioritize the data you want to back up.

Integrity and Security for Salesforce Orgs

Calvin Green is a Salesforce admin working for Zephyrus Relocation Services, a talent-mobility firm in Fairfax, Virginia. He’s responsible for protecting the integrity of the company’s robust employee relocation data. Calvin uses Salesforce Backup to make sure that this company data is protected if there are user or integration errors, for example. 

Salesforce Backup is part of the Salesforce data management and security portfolio. Companies that must protect data integrity and maintain compliance in their Salesforce environment can add the app to their org and activate a backup policy on the same day. With this product, you can protect your company data from user error, bad actors, and data loss, and also enhance your company’s security posture.

What can you do with the Salesforce Backup tool?

  • Backup policy configuration: Create and manage a backup policy for your Salesforce orgs. Select as many objects (custom and standard) as you need for data management, compliance, and security.
  • Automatic daily backups: Automatically run daily incremental backups following the initial full backup of your policy.
  • View activity logs: Get the details on backup and restore job status, failures, successes, and error messaging.
  • Specify records to restore: Filter records by date range, preview records to be restored, and restore data within the backed-up Salesforce org.
  • CSV export: Export selected backup data.
  • Security for backup data: Keep backup data encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Backup application homepage user interface

Identify and Prioritize the Data That You Want to Back Up

Calvin started with a plan. He prioritized which Zephyrus Relocation Services data he needed to back up using the Backup tool. 

Most customers have specific goals for backing up data. Some admins like Calvin want to keep backups for security purposes, while others aim to meet compliance requirements for specific categories of data, such as health data. Whatever your goal, it’s important to know which information is most important for your company’s security and compliance posture. 

How data backup works: Once Salesforce Backup completes an object’s full “Day 0” backup, it runs a daily incremental backup. The daily incremental backup takes only data that has been updated or deleted.

Now that you’re familiar with the Salesforce Backup tool, next see how to set up users and install the application.


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