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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Create the Sales Presentation

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Develop a Summary Statement to sell your solution.
  • Explain the facts of your solution.
  • Clearly describe the benefits and applications. 

Summarize the Solution Using Facts, Benefits, and Applications

You’ve just completed the Questioning Model. After gathering information from the customer, you can confidently state if you're capable of providing a competitive solution. The Dale Carnegie principle that serves as a foundation for this step is: “Dramatize your ideas.” You can “dramatize” your solution and share your passion in an authentic way. It’s time to transition to the Create step of the Dale Carnegie Sales Model.

Dale Carnegie Sales Process circular path: Connect, Collaborate, Create, Confirm, Commit around Customer Relationship with Create highlighted

Develop a Summary Statement

Develop a Summary Statement to make this transition. The Summary Statement tells the customer about your ability to help. It shows you listened by restating the customer's Should Be and Payout. 

The Summary Statement should:

  • Begin with the statement, “Based on what you’ve told me…”
  • Be a quick, simple statement.
  • Make a specific recommendation.
  • Reference the customer’s Should Be and Payout that you uncovered through the questioning process.
  • Use a confident tone and powerful words.


“Based on what you've told me, I'm confident we can reduce your manufacturing costs (Should Be). The safety features on our equipment are second to none, and your department will be recognized as a bottom-line contributor (Payout). Let's take a look at some facts.”

“Based on what you've told me, I'm confident our processor will provide the speed that you need (Should Be). With the time you save, you'll be able to finish earlier and relax with your family and friends (Payout). Let's talk through the facts.”

Explain the Facts, Benefits, and Application

Finally, sell your solution after the Summary Statement. To demonstrate the value of what you’re offering, explain the facts of your solution and clearly describe the benefits. Choose which facts to highlight and which benefits to emphasize, based on the information you've learned in the questioning process. Use the technique of Fact, Benefit, Application to make your point.

  • Facts are specific, true, provable statements. Some facts will be accepted without hesitation and some may require proof.
  • Benefits are brief, clear descriptions of how any customer could use and enjoy the solution. The benefit should be directly related to the fact previously stated.
  • Applications clarify how your specific customer will apply and benefit from the solution. This resonates strongly with the customer because it comes more personal.

Here are some examples.

Examples of Fact, Benefit, and Application

Fact: We have comparable operations in more than 80 countries, and all locations can tailor our solutions.

Benefit: Our customers get consistent global delivery capability with cultural flexibility.

Application: Because of this, we can service your international branches and handle the translation.

Fact: We have 12 tech-certified technicians on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Benefit: This provides our customers with a quick response to any problem.

Application: You can have peace of mind knowing you'll always get a response within the 2 hour window your company requires as part of your vendor selection process.

Fact: We offer 22 mutual funds, the broadest spectrum in the market, according to this recent study.

Benefit: This allows our customers greater flexibility in their financial planning.

Application: You can change your portfolio anytime; for example, if you decide to buy that boat this spring for your family.

Be aware, many customers do research online and feel they already understand the facts and benefits of your solution. Show the value of your solution in a way that internet research cannot. Show evidence to be persuasive. You can learn more about how evidence defeats doubts in the Winning with Relationship Selling course.

Try It for Yourself

In the Resource section, we’ve provided you with a Facts, Benefits, and Application Worksheet you can use to determine the three best facts about possible customer solutions, focusing on those that differentiate them from competitors.

In the next unit, you move from Creating to Confirming your solution with the customer.


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