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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Create Program, Service, and Program Cohort Records

Learning Objectives 

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create and relate programs and services.
  • Create program cohort records.

Set Up Programs, Services, and Program Cohorts

Once you plot your data structure and know what programs, services, and program cohorts you’ll use, it’s time to set them up in Program Management Module (PMM).

This task doesn’t have to be done by an admin unless your organization sets up permissions that way. At our example organization, the fictional nonprofit No More Homelessness (NMH), the program leadership team has permission to set up programs, services, and program cohorts on their own. 

In this module, we go step-by-step, following along with NMH Program Manager Gia as she sets up records for the food pantry she manages.



In this module, we assume you have the proper permissions to take these actions. If you can’t follow along, that’s OK. Read on to learn how you would take these steps in a production org, sandbox, or Trailhead Playground in which PMM is installed.

Create a Program Record

Because service and program cohort records have to be related to a program, you need to enter program records first. Let’s start!

  1. Open the app by clicking the App Launcher () to find and select Program Management.
  2. Click the Programs tab, then New.
  3. Enter a program name. Gia enters Food Pantry.
  4. Set a program status. Gia selects Active because the program is ongoing.
  5. Enter a short summary, which will show in Program list views and reports. Gia enters Pantry distribution of produce and fresh food, dry goods, and personal care items.
  6. Enter details about the target population. Gia types People experiencing food insecurity or in need of personal care items.
  7. Enter a detailed description, which provides more context about the program’s goals. Gia enters To provide healthy meals and basic toiletries to homeless and housing-insecure people. NMH collects and distributes food and personal care items from local stores.
  8. Set the program’s start and end dates. Gia leaves these fields blank because this is an ongoing program with no planned end date.
  9. Select a program issue area. There are several default values, and Gia will pick one of those options—Food and Nutrition—though your admin can customize the available picklist values.
  10. Click Save.

The New Program interface with Gia’s information entered

Create Service Records

With the program created, we can now set up services.

  1. Click the Programs tab, then the program to which you’re adding services. Gia selects the Food Pantry program she just created—if you’re following along you should already have this record open.
  2. In the Services related list, click New.
    The New button on the Services related list
  3. Enter a service name. Gia enters Produce and fresh food distribution.
  4. Because we started from the program record, the program name is already filled in. If Gia were creating a new service another way, she would have to associate it with a program.
  5. Enter a description. Gia enters Food pantry distribution of vegetables, dairy, and other perishables.
  6. Set the unit of measurement for the service. Gina enters Items distributed, which is how NMH quantifies food pantry services.
  7. Set a status for the service. This is an ongoing service, so Gia sets the status to Active.
  8. Click Save.

The New Service interface with Gia’s information entered

Gia repeats the process for two more services in the program, Dry Good Distribution and Personal Care Item Distribution, both measured in items distributed.

Create Program Cohort Records

But don’t forget about the cohorts! Remember, at our example nonprofit, Gia wanted to track all of the food pantry engagements that start the same month. She sets those up next.

  1. Click the Program Cohorts tab in navigation, then New.
  2. Enter a program cohort name. NMH uses a standard format for food pantry cohorts (time period ﹣ year ﹣ description), so Gia enters a name that fits that format.
  3. Set the program cohort status. Gia sets this cohort to Active.
  4. Select the associated program. Gia selects the Food Pantry program.
  5. Enter a description of the cohort and its purpose.
  6. Set a start and end date for the cohort, if needed. Gia sets the start date, but leaves the end date blank since she wants to track all the first-time visitors in the specified month for as long as they are engaged with the program.
  7. Click Save.

The New Program Cohort interface with Gia’s information entered

Ready for Day-to-Day Work

With PMM and the foundational program, service, and program cohort records in place, NMH is ready to start managing their day-to-day service deliveries in Salesforce. We hope you are, too.

About those service deliveries: We’ll explore how to manage clients’ and students’ program engagements, service deliveries, and attendance in the Service Delivery with Program Management Module (PMM) module, linked in Resources. That’s your next step.


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