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Learn How to Handle Common Objections

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Handle an objection about cloud data security.
  • Handle an objection about cost.
  • Handle an objection about integration.
  • Handle an objection about the training learning curve.
  • Handle an objection about missing key features.

Find Your Rhythm with Common Objections

With the 3 Ds, objections are a snap, right?

You know objections are a good sign, and you know how to:

  1. Defuse—acknowledge objections and address the emotions behind them.
  2. Discover—ask questions to find out what’s going on.
  3. Deliver—respond to objections.

Ready for some more practice? Here are a few common objections you might encounter.

  1. Cost
  2. Integration
  3. Training or learning curve
  4. Missing key feature

Phrases for Every Step

You know you’re ready to master handling the top objections. Check out the following table for some effective ways to respond to some common objections you might be faced with. 

Objection #1: Cost


Say This


  • “I understand your need to justify your investment.”
  • “It sounds like cost is an important consideration.”


  • “How do you measure overall cost to value, or return on your investments?”
  • “Have you determined the cost of delaying increased productivity?”
  • “If all costs were equal, what concerns do you have?”


  • “The vast majority of our customers find that return from sales justifies their investment.”
  • “Our customers have evaluated the cost and find value in using our solution.”
  • “Our most successful customers use our product to increase productivity.”

Objection #2: Integration


Say This


  • “Thanks for sharing this concern. Integration is a topic we often discuss with customers.”
  • “I understand that integrating our platform with other applications and data are key to your business productivity.”


  • “What are your integration requirements?”
  • “Why do you feel integration is difficult?”
  • “How do you integrate with your current solution?”


  • “A majority of our customers integrate our products with other applications.”
  • “Our platform manages billions of API transactions every day, and integration is something we handle very well.”

Objection #3: Training or Learning Curve


Say This


  • “I appreciate that change management and training are important concerns for your company.”
  • “I definitely hear your concern about training.”


  • “What are your biggest training challenges?”
  • “How are you training new users today?”


  • "We have systems in place for planning the right training at the right time, so the implementation-to-productivity process is faster and less complicated."
  • “With over 100,000 customers, we are very experienced with this process and we can work with you to design the best approach for your organization.”

Objection #4: Missing Key Feature


Say This


  • “I understand how certain features and products are essential to how you do business.”
  • “Let’s talk about your business needs, and see if we can help you get the results you want.”


  • “What is the key feature you require and how are you using it today?”
  • “How important is this feature to your business?”
  • “How have you seen this capability being delivered by other vendors?”


  • “Many of our customers like working with us because our platform has significant customization and development capabilities.”
  • “Our customers have found success in delivering required features and additional business value using the Salesforce AppExchange.”

You’re now ready for any objection that comes your way. Go ahead and start practicing your 3 Ds responses. Then get out there and show your customers how great your company is.


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