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Explore MuleSoft RPA Builder Components

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Open MuleSoft RPA Builder and connect to a repository.
  • Identify MuleSoft RPA Builder components.
  • Explore the RPA Bot Task’s workflow structure.

Start Using MuleSoft RPA Builder


If you don’t have MuleSoft RPA Builder installed, log in to MuleSoft RPA Manager, then download the MuleSoft RPA Builder installer from the home page. Remember, we assume your organization has purchased a MuleSoft RPA license. If your organization has not purchased a MuleSoft RPA license, that’s OK. Read along to learn how users perform the steps. Don’t try to follow the steps in a Trailhead Playground, because MuleSoft RPA Builder isn’t available in the Trailhead Playground.

To start building RPA processes, open the MuleSoft RPA Builder executable file on your Windows system. This may be stored as a shortcut on your Windows desktop.

MuleSoft RPA Builder desktop icon

Recall from unit 1, to use MuleSoft RPA Builder you first log in to a MuleSoft RPA Manager account. The user must be assigned permission in a MuleSoft RPA Manager organization to use MuleSoft RPA Builder.

When MuleSoft RPA Builder starts, it prompts you to connect to an RPA repository, which is the same credentials you use to log in to an organization in MuleSoft RPA Manager 

MuleSoft RPA Builder: Repository Login screen with repository setting fields.

This table describes the repository settings.

Setting Description

RPA Manager Address

The URL of the RPA Manager instance RPA Builder connects to. Omit the protocol (https://) from this value.

User Name

The RPA Manager username that RPA Builder uses to log in.


The RPA Manager password that RPA Builder uses to log in.

Proxy Settings

Configure the proxy settings if you access the internet through a proxy.

You can optionally check Auto-Connect to Repository to auto-connect to skip this login screen the next time you launch RPA Builder. 

Identify MuleSoft RPA Builder Components

Now that you’re logged in, let’s explore the RPA Builder views and components.

MuleSoft RPA Builder layout

MuleSoft RPA Builder has multiple adjustable panes or views.

  1. The menu bar stretches across the top of the window.
  2. The left window pane contains multiple tabs, which are discussed in detail below.
  3. The top-middle section is the Business Process Modeler pane. This is where the imported BPMN model appears and can be further edited.
  4. Clicking a MuleSoft RPA Bot Task in the Business Process Modeler pane adds a new tab to the MuleSoft RPA Builder workbench.
  5. In the workbench the workflow is divided into three main blocks: the Workflow Initiation action block, the Activity Workflow action block, and the Workflow Finalization action block.
  6. The menu bar under the workbench tab provides context-specific functionality.
  7. The right window pane displays the workflow’s properties.
  8. The bottom section is the Workflow Run Result view. This is where logs appear when you run the implemented workflow.

Working in the Left Window Pane

The left window pane is an adjustable view and is composed of five tabs.

The left window pane tabs with the project explorer tab selected.

Left Window Pane Tabs  Description

Project Explorer

This tab shows the current workflows open in the workbench and recent projects.

Repository Explorer

This tab allows you to connect to an RPA repository and download RPA processes based on categories.

Activity Library

This tab is a repository (not to be confused with the Repository Explorer) that holds saved activities and triggers. Frequently used activities, such as opening a browser window, are saved in the activity library for reuse.


This tab shows a condensed view of the workflow currently in focus on the workbench.


This tab contains elements used for RPA Bot Task implementation. These elements can be dragged and dropped inside transactions, app sessions, and so on.

Explore the Structure of an RPA Bot Task’s Workflow

Now let's look at the components that make up an RPA process flow and how they're linked together. 

RPA process flow showing BPMN diagram, along with an RPA Bot Task workflow.

The activities in MuleSoft RPA Builder flows resemble those in the MuleSoft RPA Manager BPMN editor. After an RPA process is imported, you can further edit it here. There are two types of Tasks that make up an RPA process. 

Task Type Description

RPA Bot Task

Task executed by a MuleSoft RPA bot.

User Task

Task executed by a user.

Each RPA Bot Task is associated with its own workbench tab in MuleSoft RPA Builder. Use the workbench to implement a Bot Task’s workflow steps.

RPA Bot Task workflow

Each activity block starts with a Workflow Initialization Activity block and ends with a Workflow Finalization Activity block. The middle activity is an empty block called an Activity Workflow where you drag and drop elements from the Toolbox to "code" and configure the core functionality of the Bot Task.

Activity Block Description

Workflow Initialization

Block that runs before the workflow.

Activity Workflow

Block with one or more transactions.

Workflow Finalization

Block that runs after the workflow completes.

Trigger Workflow

Block for trigger workflows.


A transaction is a way to logically organize workflow elements. It isn’t related to database transactions. It’s a best practice to rename each activity block with a name that describes its purpose.

Each block is composed of the following elements from the MuleSoft RPA Builder Toolbox.

  • Action steps to automate human user actions
  • Control blocks to route and test results
  • Other logical programming elements

You use activity parameters, or variables, to pass data into the RPA flow and between flow activities. Activity parameters are initialized in the workflow initialization block. 


Now that you know your way around MuleSoft RPA Builder, take a look at the following video demonstration showing a user working with the tool. If you wish to follow along, check out the walkthrough instructions.

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