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30일 무료 평가판 시작하기
예상 시간

Leverage Email Integration

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe additional actions available from the Work Queue.
  • Explain the benefits of email integration.

Shoe’s on the Other Foot

Toward the end of the day, Jose comes by to explain that sales cadence reports and performance dashboards let him see how prospects are engaging with different sales cadences. And he can already tell that your productivity has improved (from just one day!).

Email and phone call stats from a day.

He also approves Sunny’s discounted rate.

Navigating to My List, you email Sunny to give her the good news. Another satisfied Cloud Kicks customer!

Looking back at your Work Queue, you notice that Sunny’s record is now listed in the next email step. But you just emailed Sunny, and it seems like she’s ready for the final step in the cadence. You notice that there’s an option to Mark Complete in the Work Queue.

Marking a step complete.

You mark the step complete, knowing that should advance the record to the final step in the sales cadence. Looks like you can skip a step as well if you don’t want to log the related activity.

Email Integration

You wonder if there are any other features related to Sales Engagement that you aren’t aware of. You message Candace to check. Sure enough, it looks like Jose added the Work Queue as part of your Gmail integration. And you’re sure it works the same way with Outlook integrations, as well.

Email integration pane in Salesforce.

You can do most of the Work Queue actions from the email integration pane: Skip steps or mark them complete, send emails, You can also access all the other tabs in the side pane.

Bringing It All Together

You’re over the moon with everything Sales Engagement has to offer: an efficient workspace, a prioritized list of activities, several email and calling features, and even email integration.

Now that you’re not spending time logging activities, making the same emails and calls, and switching between different applications and windows, you can both increase the volume and the depth of your prospect interactions—all within Salesforce.

Three people in an office, jumping for joy.

Candace mentions that if you need any quick pointers, you can always find resources in the Help Menu.

Now go forth: Supercharge your sales process with Sales Engagement!


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얻을 수 있는 이점
  • 커리어 목표에 대한 개인화된 권장 사항 제공받기
  • 실습 과제 및 퀴즈를 통해 스킬 연습
  • 진행 상황을 추적하고 고용주에게 공유
  • 멘토십과 커리어 기회에 연결