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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Apply Promotions and Track Performance

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the APIs that run the promotion process.
  • Analyze promotion data.

Execute Promotions with APIs

Now that the promotions are active, let’s understand how they’re executed.

Farha Amin receives an email about Dorjelean’s Summer Extravaganza promotion. She’s delighted to see the new items added to the menu. Although a little skeptical after her last experience, she orders the Minty Mango Lime Smoothie and the Mango Avocado Quinoa Salad on the Dorjelean app.

As soon as she adds the items to the cart, the system runs the Get Eligible Promotions API, which returns a list of all the eligible promotions. Because the items are part of the promotion category, Farha sees the relevant offer.

The Eligible Promotions screen with a list of all the active offers.

She gets $10 off on the cart value and a 10% off voucher valid on the next purchase. She applies the promotion and the system instantly deducts $10 from her cart value. After she completes the payment, the system performs non-pricing adjustments, such as issuing a voucher, through the Transaction Journal Execution API. This API creates the transaction journal for the purchase in Loyalty Management, and the related process rule issues the voucher.

With more members like Farha enjoying the benefits of the promotion, Carlos now wants to track the promotion performance.

Analyze Promotion Data

Why track a promotion? Evaluating its performance helps you make informed decisions about future marketing efforts.

The quarterly review meeting with the management is coming up, and Carlos must gather data about the promotions’ effectiveness. With the Global Promotions Analytics app, he’s able to analyze promotion performance, revenue, transaction trends, and more. The app comprises a parent dashboard (Promotion Performance) and two embedded dashboards. Let’s explore how he uses each.

Promotion Performance Dashboard

Carlos opens the Promotion Console app where he gets a glimpse of all the ongoing promotions. He uses the Promotion Performance dashboard to track performance based on key metrics related to promotion revenue and engagement.

The dashboard helps identify the top revenue-generating promotions, which then help make informed decisions related to budget allocation, rewards offerings, and more.

The Promotion Performance dashboard with details about all the promotions in the DorjeElite Dining Club loyalty program.

So far, the Summer Extravaganza promotion has generated a revenue of $12,000 in 47 days, which is promising.

For more detailed information about the promotion, Carlos refers to the promotion-specific dashboards embedded on the promotion page.

The embedded dashboards on the promotion page.

Promotion Performance Embedded Dashboard

On this dashboard, Carlos views trends in revenue, transactions, orders, and liability at the promotion level.

The dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of promotion effectiveness, irrespective of its association with a loyalty program.

The Promotion Performance dashboard embedded on a promotion record.

Although the liability is a little high at the moment, there’s still time left for the revenue to pick up. So far so good.

Because the promotion is associated with products, you can get data-driven insights about product performance.

Product Performance Embedded Dashboard

This dashboard is also embedded on the promotion page. Carlos tracks the performance of products in terms of revenue, transactions, and member participation. The analysis will help him make better decisions about product bundles and manage inventory more effectively.

The Analytics tab of the Product Performance embedded dashboard with details of all the products in a promotion.

The mango smoothies have been popular, with over 100k ordered so far.

Overall, Carlos is happy to report a positive performance. He uses this analysis to plan pricing strategies and offer unique rewards that stand out in the market.


Global Promotions Management has transformed the DorjeElite Dining Club loyalty program into a strategic asset. Now, the program not only retains customers but also drives revenue through more effective and personalized promotional strategies.

You too can effectively plan, organize, and execute promotions for all your customers. Analyze events on the promotion calendar and use these insights to create promotions across channels. Achieve your marketing objectives, increase brand awareness, drive sales, and ultimately, grow your business, all from a single place.


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