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Activate Einstein Copy Insights

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Activate Einstein Copy Insights.
  • Review email subject lines.
  • Use data and AI to predict the most effective subject line.

Meet Einstein Copy Insights

We know you put a lot of care, effort, and style into perfecting your email communications. Every image in place, every paragraph crafted, and every relationship maintained with the trust and care that valued customers expect. Yet, the fate of all your hard work rests on the effectiveness of a single line of text: the subject line. This small string of characters can cause writer’s block for even the most seasoned content creators. After all, which combination of characters (and even emoji) unlocks the inbox of your subscribers and gets them to read more?

Email marketers have a multitude of theories, anecdotal evidence, and other tips and tools to make subject lines work. And this experience and knowledge goes a long way, trust us. But what if you had a tool that uses AI to build on that knowledge and experience to more precisely craft your subject lines? Meet Einstein Copy Insights.

Einstein Copy Insights reviews up to 90 days of rolling email engagement data, analyzes the available information, and returns insights on how to make your subject lines more impactful. Check out this short video to see Einstein Copy Insights in action.

Now that you know what Einstein Copy Insights can do for you, let’s enable it in your account!

In this badge, we assume you are a Marketing Cloud Engagement admin with the proper permissions to enable Einstein Copy Insights in an account that’s been provisioned for Einstein features. If you’re not an admin for Marketing Cloud Engagement, that’s OK. Read along to learn how your administrator would take the steps in a production org. Don’t try to follow these steps in your Trailhead Playground. Marketing Cloud Engagement isn’t available in the Trailhead Playground.

Activate Einstein Copy Insights

It takes just four easy steps to enable Einstein Copy Insights in your Marketing Cloud Engagement account.

  1. Navigate to Marketing Cloud Engagement Setup.
  2. Click Einstein.
  3. Click Einstein Copy Insights.
  4. Click Activate to activate Einstein Copy Insights for your business unit.

And now for the hardest part: waiting. Einstein Copy Insights reviews up to 90 days of email engagement rate data, and posts updates once a week. So you won’t see instant insights. This kind of quality takes a little time to develop.


Einstein Copy Insights only shows information on subject lines used in marketing sends to over 30 subscribers. This feature doesn’t cover transactional sends, test sends, or sends that bounce back.

Review Your Email Subject Lines

Now that you’ve given Einstein a little time to complete the necessary work, it’s time to jump in and see the results. In your Marketing Cloud Engagement account, click Einstein and select Einstein Copy Insights. From here, the dashboard shows you information about the language, emotional impact, and performance of your subject lines. If you have a large number of similar subject lines, Einstein Copy Insights can group these together, such as when a subject line contains the same language and a personalization tag. Einstein Copy Insights shows these similarities with three underscores, such as “Happy Birthday ___”. Let’s review what you’ll find in the Einstein Copy Insights dashboard.

Subject Line Analytics in Einstein Copy Insights lists the subject line, total emails delivered, and whether the engagement rate is above or below average.

Subject Line Analytics: Sort your best performing subject line copy by engagement rate or the number of messages sent.

Language Factor Insights and Emotional Tone Insights in Einstein Copy Insights

Language Factor Insights: Review positive or negative impacts and how much they mattered to your subject line’s engagement rates.

Emotional Tone Insights: Check out each circle and review the emotional tones Einstein evaluated for each subject line. Larger circles indicate the number of subject lines grouped together.

Top Performing Phrases and Most Frequently Used Phrases in Einstein Copy Insights

Top Performing Phrases: This metric gets into the components of your subject line to determine which one- to three-word clusters had the most impact on your subscribers.

Most Frequently Used Phrases: Take a look at which phrases pop up most in your subject lines and evaluate their performance compared to an average engagement rate. If they work, keep them! If not, consider using other phrases that perform better.

After Einstein Copy Insights has had some time to analyze your email engagement rates, you can test your subject lines before you even send them out!

Performance Tester in Einstein Copy Insights with a field for entering your subject line


Testing subject lines before send is only available if you opted to use global models in Einstein.

  1. Type your subject line in the Performance Tester field on the Einstein Copy Insights dashboard. Limit your subject lines to 80 characters.
  2. Click Test.
  3. If you don’t get the results you were looking for, change the subject line and click Test again. Otherwise, you’re good to go!

Results from a subject line test showing average effectiveness and predicted effectiveness

Einstein Copy Insights presents an evaluation based on a purple dotted line that shows your average engagement rate over 90 days within the business unit you are testing. The amber-shaded area shows the predicted engagement range based on the available data (including past sends, global data, and the model’s level of confidence across your account). The amber dotted line shows the most likely engagement rate. The blue lines indicate groups of subject lines that performed similarly and how well those groups of subject lines performed over the past 90 days. All of this information shows you what happened in the past and how likely it is that your new subject line will perform well.

The subject line is your email’s introduction to the world, and you want to get it right the first time. But maybe you also want to avoid a long meeting with a bunch of different people drinking coffee, offering opinions, and occasionally looking at their phones. This tool frees up your time and gives you the benefit of AI-driven insights. Test away!


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