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Set Up Questions and Regulatory Codes

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create assessment question categories.
  • Configure assessment questions.
  • Set up regulatory codes.
  • Associate assessment questions with regulatory codes.

Create the Question Categories

The excitement has been growing among the City of Cosville employees since they learned that dynamic assessments will soon replace their paper-based forms. Now that Tishon has enabled Discovery Framework, she’s ready to start configuring inspection checklists and intake surveys for common tasks that the team performs. These dynamic assessments will include a set of predefined questions to guide their work. 

Before Tishon dives into compiling assessment questions, she creates some question categories. The categories represent areas for investigation and appear as a picklist field on the Assessment Question object. 

Let’s follow Tishon as she creates three categories: Fire Safety, Building Standards, and Child Safety. 

  1. From Setup, in Object Manager, select Assessment Question.
  2. Click Fields & Relationships, and then select the Category field label.
  3. In the Category Picklist Values section, click New.
  4. On separate lines, enter Fire Safety, Building Standards, and Child Safety.
  5. Click Save.
    Category Picklist Values screen with Fire Safety, Building Standards, and Child Safety highlighted.

Tishon has successfully created three new assessment question categories. Next, she defines the questions. 

Create the Questions

Assessment questions in dynamic assessments are similar to Assessment Indicator Definitions, which you learned about in the Inspections with Public Sector Solutions module. Inspectors complete assessment questions to check for code compliance, so Tishon needs to link each question to its relevant regulatory code. This way, Amelia can look up the codes directly from her inspection checklist during her visit to Susan’s salon.

Let’s join Tishon as she creates some assessment questions for the fire safety category, which she’ll include in a salon inspection.

Create the first assessment question using these details: 

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Assessment Questions.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter these details.
    • Name: Initial Fire Inspection
    • Data Type: Radio
    • Category: Fire Safety
    • Question Text: Is this the first fire safety assessment being conducted at this location?
    • Response Values: enter Yes and No on separate lines.
    • Select the Active checkbox. This makes the question available to add to an OmniScript.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the next question.
    • Name: Fire Inspection Violation Count
    • Data Type: Integer
    • Category: Fire Safety
    • Question Text: How many violations were found in the previous inspection or assessment?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the last question.
    • Name: Heating Appliance Space Validation
    • Data Type: Radio
    • Category: Fire Safety
    • Question Text: Are heating appliances securely fixed with enough clearance?
    • Response Values: enter Yes and No on separate lines.
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save.

Next, Tishon creates questions for the building standards category of the inspection.

  1. On the Assessment Questions list page, click New.
  2. Enter these details.
    • Name: Area of Establishment
    • Data Type: Decimal
    • Category: Building Standards
    • Question Text: What is the square footage of the establishment?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the next question.
    • Name: Seating Capacity
    • Data Type: Integer
    • Category: Building Standards
    • Question Text: How many chairs are there in the establishment?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the last question.
    • Name: Path to Site
    • Data Type: Radio
    • Category: Building Standards
    • Question Text: Does the establishment provide a safe and clear walking path to the entrance?
    • Response Values: enter Yes and No on separate lines.
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save.

Assessment Questions page showing the new assessment questions.

Tishon has successfully created all the assessment questions for the inspection checklist. 

Associate the Questions with Regulatory Codes

Remember the regulatory codes you created in the Inspections with Public Sector Solutions module? Your Developer Edition org is prepared with some sample codes. In this section, you associate assessment questions with the relevant codes.

Dynamic assessments use a junction object called Regulatory Code Use Definition to associate a set of assessment questions with the applicable regulatory code. A junction object allows you to create a many-to-many relationship between objects. When you associate questions with regulatory codes, the codes appear with the questions in the Omni Assessment Task. Inspectors can review the related code while performing the assessment task. 


Make sure to update the Related lists on the Assessment Question Version page layout so that you can associate assessment questions with regulatory codes. To learn how to update the page layout, see the Resources section at the end of this unit. 

Tishon associates one of our building standards assessment questions with a regulatory code.

  1. On the Assessment Questions list page, select an assessment question to associate with a regulatory code. In this case, click Path to Site.
  2. In the Assessment Question Versions related list, select the active question version. The Assessment Question record opens.Screen capture highlighting the active question version for the Path to Site assessment question.
  3. Ensure that the Related tab is displayed.The Path to Site Assessment Question Version record highlighting the regulatory code used.
  4. In the Regulatory Code Uses related list, click New.
  5. For Regulatory Code, search for and select 16 Admin. Code Ch. 84.112(a).
  6. Click Save.

Congratulations! Now you know how to create assessment questions and associate them with relevant regulatory codes. In the next unit, you learn all about Omni Assessment Tasks. So, let's keep going. 


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