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Explore Non-Visit-Based Dynamic Assessments

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • List the public sector objects that support dynamic assessments.
  • Schedule a dynamic assessment directly from a Public Complaint record page.

Use Dynamic Assessments with Public Sector Objects

Up until now, Tishon has learned how to create dynamic assessments that inspectors complete during inspection visits to establishments. However, this isn’t the only way she and her team can use dynamic assessments.  

Constituents can file public complaints either over the phone or through the public portal to register concerns. These concerns might relate to the health, safety, or well-being of another person, or other issues they encounter in their community. Caseworkers or intake officers correspond with the constituent to record preliminary information regarding the issue. The inspector then follows up by completing a dynamic assessment to further investigate the complaint.

You can use dynamic assessments with several Public Sector Solutions objects. To view a list of objects that support dynamic assessments, see the Dynamic Assessments in Public Sector Solutions article in Salesforce Help.

In this unit, you explore how to create a dynamic assessment to gather information about a public complaint. 


In this unit, you add an action plan to a public complaint record in the Inspection Management app, which comes out of the box with Public Sector Solutions. You can apply action plans within other Public Sector Solution apps, though this requires additional setup.

Create a Dynamic Assessment for a Public Complaint

Let’s follow along with Tishon as she creates a dynamic assessment that caseworkers can use to gather information about the treatment and well-being of a child in response to a public complaint. You’ve already had some practice building dynamic assessments, so these instructions are short and sweet.

Create Assessment Questions

As you did with the visit-based assessment, begin by creating the necessary assessment questions. In the Category field of each assessment, select the Child Safety picklist value, which you set up earlier in this module. 

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Assessment Questions.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter these details.
    • Name: Number of Household Members
    • Data Type: Integer
    • Category: Child Safety
    • Question Text: How many members are there in the child’s household?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the next assessment question using these details.
    • Name: Household Income
    • Data Type: Text
    • Category: Child Safety
    • Question Text: What is the monthly income of the household?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the next assessment question.
    • Name: Number of Daily Meals
    • Data Type: Integer
    • Category: Child Safety
    • Question Text: How many meals does the child eat per day?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save & New.
  1. Create the last assessment question.
    • Name: BMI of Child
    • Data Type: Decimal
    • Category: Child Safety
    • Question Text: What is the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the child?
    • Select the Active checkbox.
    • Click Save.

Create an Omni Assessment Task

Next, set up the Omni Assessment Task and include the questions you just created. 

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Omni Assessment Tasks.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter these details.
    • For Name, enter Child Safety Intake Assessment.
    • For Status, select Is Defined.
  1. Save your changes.

Configure an OmniScript

Configure the OmniScript and include conditional logic. 

  1. On the Child Safety Check task record page, click Create Omniscript.
  2. On the Create OmniScript page, specify these details.
    • Name: Child Safety Check
    • Language: English
    • Type: Child_Safety_Assessment
    • Sub Type: Nutrition
  1. Add the assessment questions to the OmniScript.
    • Rename the step to Child Nutrition Check.
    • Click Child Safety in the Category dropdown list.
    • Click the Select All checkbox.
    • Click Add Questions to Step, and choose Child Nutrition Check.
    • If necessary, arrange the questions to the order that you created them.
  1. Click Build OmniScript. The new OmniScript may take a moment to load.
  2. Add conditional logic to a question.
    • Click Step 1. Under Step Properties, update the Name field to Child Nutrition Check.
    • Expand the Child Nutrition Check step. Click the What is the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the child? question block.
    • In the Properties pane, expand the Conditional View section Under View Condition, click Show Element if True.
    • In the Edit Show Hide Rules dialog, specify these options.
      • Select All Conditions Are Met.
      • For Field, select Number_of_Daily_Meals.
      • For Operator, select <.
      • For Value, enter 3.
      • Click Save.
  1. Delete all of the Compliance Status fields under the Child Nutrition Check step except for the BMI_of_Child_block.
  2. Click Preview to test the new OmniScript.
  3. Click Activate Version.

Build and Configure an Action Plan Template

Next, create an Action Plan Template for the Public Complaint object that includes the Omni Assessment task you just created. 

  1. Create an Action Plan Template.
    • From the App Launcher, find and select Action Plan Templates.
    • Click New and enter these details.
      • Name: Child Safety Template
      • Action Plan Type: Assessment Execution
      • Target Object: Public Complaint
    • Save your changes.
  1. Add an Omni Assessment task to the template.
    • On the Items tab of the action plan template, click New Generic Assessment Task.
    • Enter these details.
      • Generic Assessment Task Type: Omni Assessment Task
      • Generic Assessment Tasks: Child Safety Check
      • Display Order: 1
      • Select Is Required
    • Click Save.
  1. Click Publish Template and then Publish.

The Cosville team now has everything they need to respond to public complaints regarding a child’s nutrition. Now this is some pretty important work. Let’s see how the team responds when a situation arises. 

Apply an Action Plan to a Public Complaint

A few weeks later, a teacher in Cosville files an online complaint to register his concern about the health of a child in his class. He suspects that the child isn’t receiving proper nutrition at home, and this is impacting her concentration at school. 

The intake officer speaks with the teacher over the phone and inputs the complaint type, incident date, and additional details in a public complaint record. 

Public complaint record.

Notice that the record shows the type of issue, the date of the incident, and a description of what the observer witnessed. 

Add an Action Plan to the Public Complaint

Salima reviews the complaint and decides to add an action plan with a Child Nutrition Check dynamic assessment so that Amelia can gather more information.


The Action Plans component is added to the Public Complaint Lightning record page in the Developer Edition org for this module. If you don't see it when you’re on the Public Complaint record, then click the gear icon, and select Edit Page. Drag the Action Plan List component onto the page, and save your changes.

  1. From the App Launcher, search for and select Public Complaints.
  2. Change the list view to All Public Complaints, and click PC-0000000001.
  3. Review the details of the complaint, and select New Plan next to the Action Plans component.
  4. Enter these details:
    1. Name: Child Safety Check
    2. Start Date: [today’s date]
    3. Action Plan Template: Child Safety Template
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Save.

Complete the Dynamic Assessment

Now, follow along with Amelia as she opens the complaint and completes the action plan. 

  1. Close the Child Safety Check Action Plan tab.
  2. On the Public Complaints tab, select PC-0000000001.
  3. Refresh the page, and under Action Plans click Child Safety Check.
  4. Click the Child Safety Intake Assessment Omni Assessment Task.
  5. In the form that appears, enter this information.
    1. For the question “How many members are there in the child’s household?”, enter 5.
    2. For “What is the monthly income of the household?” enter $5000.
    3. For “How many meals does the child eat per day?” enter 2.
    4. For “What is the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the child?” enter 4.5.
    5. Because the child’s BMI is below average, select Fail for the Compliance Status.
  1. Click Next.

Amelia has now answered all questions for the Child Nutrition Check assessment. 

Child Nutrition Omni Assessment.

She can also upload photos or other files to each question to support her findings.

The action plan is now complete and appears in the Assessments tab of the public complaint record. Based on Amelia’s findings, Salima can create a care plan to provide services and other support to the family. For such vital work, time is of the essence!

In this module, you focused on the action plan portion of the response. To learn more about care plans, visit the link in the Resources. 

The Cosville team is impressed by the power and flexibility of dynamic assessments. With these customizable forms, they’re sure to capture all the necessary information when performing inspections, responding to public complaints, and more, to support the community. 


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